Profile Rabbi Dovid E. Eidensohn

Friday, January 11, 2019

Bo-Voayro - Important Comments

Bo-Voayro – Important Comments

Dovid Eidensohn

I want to thank profusely RAS who encouraged me to write each week teachings on the Sedra of two pages each, which I have done this week with several English and Hebrew publications. Today I add to this comments, which I feel are crucial for the salvation of the Torah community and all moral people.

The issue is that we know that there have always been people moral and weak on morality, even among Torah Jews. Recently, in America, a very strong movement of liberals and even morally weak Orthodox Jews, have moved forward to utterly change the stands of morality in America. This will affect not only America, but Israel, which is strongly influenced by America, and other countries in the world, heaven forfend.

Specifically, we know that the Torah and the poskim clearly forbid marital relations between two men or two women. We surely forbid the changing of a child or adult from being a man to become a woman or vice versa. But today strong segments of society are trumpeting the opposite, and great public scandals, even with Orthodox people, have erupted. Few people are fighting this, even few Orthodox Jews.

Many years ago, the two Kashaveh rebbes instructed me to run for County Executive, with the condition that I lose. I accepted from the Rov Reb Lazer Chaim Blum who just passed away a blessing that I succeed, something which was impossible biderech hateva, because the community only wanted to listen to the Republican and Democratic candidate, and not somebody like me with no prominent party backing my candidacy. But incredibly, the great rabbi’s berocho succeeded. The Rockland newspaper the Journal News published my picture on the front page under the blazing title, “Rabbi Attacks the Gay Lobby.” The paper continued to describe my success in interesting people attending this and other meetings for county executive and said, “Eidensohn stole the show,” which was pure miracle.

Since my purpose there was to defeat the Democrat and get the Republican elected, the Democrat finally turned to me and asked why I attack him. I kissed him. People went wild. The newspaper began to constantly call me up for my opinions on various matters. I even submitted a solution to a difficult traffic problem, and until this day, years later, people remember it.

As I mentioned above, my son-in-law urged me a few weeks ago to start writing two pages a week on the Sedra in English and in Hebrew. Last week I put out four publications, and people didn’t stop praising them. My children in Israel got my material and they liked it also. I then realized that it was now time to reconsider what the Kashever rabbis had instructed me, to fight toeivo, and I began seeking ways to do that. I actually began this a few weeks ago immediately after the petira of Kasheveh Rov Reb Lazer Chaim Blum zt”l. I even brought the above newspaper article to show people in the Kashever shull in Monsey and they were impressed, especially as all of this came from the Kashever Rabbonim.

For a few weeks I received from various people ideas how to connect to the large elements of people who could do something in America, but nothing solid emerged, although I did speak to a few people who on their own were fighting. Then somebody told me that the key to get strong support throughout America and indeed the world was one organization, Brian Camenker’s international group out of Massachusetts, They succeed in forcing prominent politicians to drop new bills that would destroy morality. I contacted them and yesterday received a call from a very senior member of the organization. I mailed him some material from the few people I knew who were working on these matters, and he wrote everything down. He then left me some instructions. I realized that Brian’s people will fight and win, and I was swimming in happiness.

In recent articles about Shema and the story of going out of Egypt, I made it clear the Rambam’s teaching in Mishneh Torah that Shema is about loving and fearing HaShem, and strengthening our belief that HaShem creates everything and sustains everything and all of us. When our very ability to be moral is threatened, that surely is a time to remember the Shema and to react, and to fight, and to win.

At this point, I want to talk about the growing problems of immorality, even among Torah Jews. I want to talk about even senior rabbis who sell out for the money and respect they get from certain politicians and fiscal sources.

 We had a case in Monsey a few years ago, that a woman who was known as a ferocious toeiva ran in Rockand to become a judge and she won. I remember the day of the election that the telephones were ringing off of the hook saying “all of the rabbis in Monsey command you to vote for her,” and they did. I called up the person who called about this and asked how we may vote for a woman who is a ferocious toeiva and a leader of war against the Torah. They replied, “All of that is a complete lie. She is married and has children and is not immoral.” All of that is a complete lie, created by senior rabbis in Monsey.

I resolved then to do something about this. First I called up rabbis who were upset with her candidacy, and they assured me that they were writing a letter to attack her, but they never did. Finally, I wrote a letter myself. In the letter I quoted the Gaon Reb Elchonon Wasserman the senior Talmid of the Chofetz Chaim, in the name of the Rambam, that when people sin with a sin which is not of the most serious variety, but is yet an idea which can obtain  support from the community, that the people who promote this are chayav miso. I wrote up two pages and went to the senior Rov in Monsey, Rabbi Moshe Green shlito. He was expelled from the meeting of senior rabbis because they were careful to make their meeting in the house of somebody who would not want Rabbi Green in his house. Rabbi Green read my two pages and said, “Hang it up in my shull” which I did. Later I went to a prominent Monsey Jew who had also opposed the Toeiva lady and he was not satisfied with my letter. I asked him why not. He said, “One person in Monsey protests such a disgrace?” They had slashed his tires. And one person protested encouraged by one Rov.

I am almost eighty years old. From the age of twelve I lived in Washington, DC and attended public school and went to Yeshiva Or Torah DiBrisk in the afternoon and weekends. In those days there was no Torah in America. Children went to public school and had no Yeshivas to attend. Or Torah DiBrisk was founded by the Malin brothers who descended from generations of the greatest Dayanim in Europe. But then there was no longer any Brisk, it was destroyed by the Germans. It continued in Washington, DC.

A week before the Six Day War the entire Malin families, of two brothers and their families, flew to Israel. Everyone feared that the Arabs might win the war, but the Malin brothers were old school. They trusted in HaShem. They landed in a country which in about a week greatly expanded its border with a mighty miracle. HaShem was active. The government came to the Malin brothers. “We see you have taken buildings from the Arabs who were instructed to flee the country, because they wanted to slaughter every person in Israel. Now we control the country, but the Arabs may demand their houses back. We therefore instruct you: If you have the money to support the large buildings you took, fine. If not, you will have to return it to the Arabs.” And so it was. Today their Yeshiva, run by their children, is one of the largest Yeshivas and Kollels in the world. Trusting in HaShem is real. That is what I learned from my rebbes, from the youngest age.

I later learned this from the Gaon Reb Aharon Kotler when three rabbis came to him with a book they were upset with. Reb Aharon exploded for ten minutes. I went over and looked at the book they had brought, and was stunned that Reb Aharon would fight so much when all he had to do was to have somebody call the person who produced this book and stop it. I also learned from other great rabbonim that I studied with intensively, the Gaon Reb Moshe Feinstein zt”l  and others who decreed that all Jews must fight Toeivo.

Today there is a new form of evil, transgender. A young boy decides he wants to be a girl. His parents take him to a doctor, the doctor for whatever reason, removes the boy’s organs and makes him into a girl. Years later, many boys change their minds and want to be boys again. But it is too late. Forty percent of these boys commit suicide. What are we doing about these problems? Should we shrug and ignore them?

What about those, even religious Jews, who talk to children and convince them to become immoral? Should we ignore them as well?

And when we come to the other world, what will HaShem and the malochim have to say to us? Those who fought tooth and nail for kedusho will sit before HaShem with great glory. The Malachim will cry bitterly outside of the divine chamber because angels have no problem with evil and don’t get reward for doing nothing against evil. But those in heaven, those who fought and the malachim, if they listen carefully, will hear horrifying screaming from people who had better things to do than to save the children and were now roasting in a very hot place.

Now is the time to decide.

Brian Camenker and his group have shown us the way to win. What about you?

Give me a call and find out more and maybe save somebody’s life.

Remember, all of us end up going to the higher world. Some of us are sent to the inner chambers of HaShem, for fighting Toeivo, and some will be heard shrieking from the furnace downstairs.

Now is the time to decide.

My phone number is 845-578-1917.

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