Chapter 15 of the Laws of Marriage says, “The rabbis have decreed that a man
should not be without a wife lest he come to sinful thoughts.” The Magid
Mishneh there brings the source of the Rambam in the gemora Yevomose 62B, “A
man is forbidden to live without a wife.” Let us understand that the Rambam and
the Magid are not saying that if a man has a wife and they have no intimacy
that this is okay. It is not okay. The Rambam and the Magid mean that only when
a man has a functioning marriage where there is regularly intimacy as taught in
the Shulchan Aruch and gemora is he fulfilling his obligation. But if a wife
wants a divorce and the husband refuses to give her one, even if they continue
to live in the same house, the husband has no intimacy nor does the wife. This
can cause both of them to find intimacy with another person who is forbidden to
them and if they do this they are doing a horrible sin.
See also the Code of Laws Even Hoezer about marriage, chapter 76 paragraph 13, that a husband or wife who demand that intimacy be only wearing clothes separating husband and wife, that this is grounds for divorce. See also Beis Shmuel there. This may be an argument among the authorities, but this is what it says in the Code of Laws.
problem is that even if a marriage is broken and husband and wife live in the
same house without intimacy, the biological processes of both husband and wife,
the need for regularly intimacy, is not being served. This can either lead to the
husband and wife seeking other partners not their spouses, or the husband can
sin with masturbation, a serious sin. But biology must be served, and one who lives
without a functioning wife is not serving his biology. The wife also has a
biology and emotions and they must be served.
Shulchan Aruch Even Hoezer chapter 23 paragraph one says that it is forbidden
to emit sperm and this is a very great sin. The Shulchan Aruch elaborates on
the very serious nature of that sin.
so, a husband who has reached a point with his wife that he cannot have
regularly intimacy with her, either because she refuses or because he does not
want to be with her, we have a crisis. Biology is burning for a young person,
and it doesn’t go away for many years until the person is really old, and even
then, who knows if anybody is really cleansed of the biology. If so, the only
solution is a good marriage. If a person is unable to have intimacy but the
marriage is good, things may be fine. But especially with younger people, any
marriage with no functioning intimacy and nothing to calm the fire of the biology,
what hope is there to be saved from serious sins?
are today thousands of people without a proper protection from their biology.
Many people divorced and cannot remarry for whatever reason. Many people can
marry but are reluctant because of the many problems in marriages today, the
gender war, etc. Many people delayed marriage until it got to the point that
they could only marry by accepting somebody much older or much different than
the person they always planned to marry. Such people can wait and wait and wait
until they find what they always wanted, but it is not easy to find somebody
you wanted in your youth when you are much older.
is a crisis and it is only getting worse. The gender wars, the fears, the lack
of proper guides for many people, yes, it is a crisis and it is only getting
us review our teaching here. A husband and a wife are supposed to live together
with regularly intimacy. This is crucial to save them both from sin. If the
marriage is not going well, and the two live in the same house, but there is no
regular intimacy, we have a very dangerous situation that can lead to very
serious sins. It is therefore sinful for a man and a wife to live in the same
house in a broken marriage without regular intimacy.
is crucial today when many marriages break down and intimacy suffers, that both
should recognize they are living in sin that can lead them heaven forfend to
very serious sin. Again, it is a sin for a husband or a wife to live without
regular intimacy. If the marriage has broken down both husband and wife live in
sin. Now, if the husband wants the wife but the wife is against the husband and
doesn’t want anything to do with him, for instance, the classical case of a
woman complaining that her husband disgusts here, this is a situation where
there is no proper intimacy in the family, and it is a sin for both husband and
wife to live together.
woman with Kiddushin cannot force the husband to divorce her against his will, only to
divorce her willingly. And if the husband refuses to divorce her willingly, he
is living in sin, and she is suffering, but the sin is not hers, the sin is
that of the husband who will not give her a GET. If there are children who will
suffer from a broken family and a GET from father to mother, it may be that the
husband has an excuse to save the children from a divorce. But the husband is
living without a functioning marriage, which can lead to serious sins.
a couple living together and certainly living apart without regular intimacy
are living in sin. If the marriage has broken down but there cannot be a
divorce because of the children, we have a very serious problem that leads to
serious sins. Every effort must be made to rectify the problem.
if the Beth Din or people involved in solving the problem can convince the
husband to improve his attitude to the wife, and if the wife can be convinced
to improve her attitude to the husband, perhaps they can improve their marriage
and find a way to have regular intimacy. But if not, they are both living
separately and are both exposed to biological problems that lead to serious
rabbonim have told me that today there are entire sections of Orthodox people
who live in sin, because of the problems today with marriage. Every day that
the marriage exists without regular intimacy is a day of sin.
the one hand, a woman cannot force a Kiddushin GET from the husband. On the
other hand, the husband is not allowed to live without a functioning marriage,
meaning, a marriage with regular intimacy. Something has to give. And the
greatest efforts must be made to solve the problem. The key is to find people
who can solve these problems, and bring the husband and wife back together
until they accept regular intimacy.
the one hand, a husband cannot be forced to divorce his wife if the marriage
was made with Kiddushin. On the other hand, the husband is not allowed to live
without a regular intimacy, nor is the wife permitted to live this way.
come to a situation where either people get involved who can solve the problem
of the marriage, or they must consider a divorce. If children are involved, and
a divorce is a terrible thing for them, and perhaps husband and wife don’t want
to divorce, and yet they don’t want to have regular intimacy, I don’t know how
husband and wife are allowed to continue without regular intimacy, because of
the biology that has no cure.