Tel Conf #16 – Prenups Force a Husband to
Divorce His Wife
Wed 9:30 PM Aug 19 - Call 605-562-3130 code 411161#
Wed 9:30 PM Aug 19 - Call 605-562-3130 code 411161#
Rabbi Dovid E.
Prenups are documents a husband signs at his wedding,
empowering the wife to leave the house at any time and force the husband to
give her a GET. The husband, from the time that the wife leaves the house, must
pay his wife a large sum of money regularly, a sum designed to overwhelm his
ability to pay and to force him to give her a GET. The Modern Orthodox world is
working hard to force every husband to sign a prenup. When that happens, may
truly Orthodox people marry children born from Modern Orthodox women who got
divorces because of prenups, or not? And what happens if Orthodox husbands sign
a prenup and there is a GET? That is our discussion here.
Proof from a Mishneh in the Talmud that Prenups are Forbidden
See Nedorim 90b. The Mishneh says,
“Originally the rabbis taught that three women who make claims may leave their
husbands [the rabbis force the husband to give a GET] and are paid their
Kesubo: 1) A woman who tells her husband, ‘I have profaned myself to you’ [she
slept with another man]. 2) The heavens are between us [she claims that the
husband cannot ejaculate and thus cannot have children and she wants a GET]. 3)
I am away from the Jewish people [she forbids herself to have intercourse with
anyone, perhaps because intercourse causes her pain (Tosfose 90b). The rabbis
changed their minds, because we fear that women will want to remarry with a
different husband if a wife has the right to just say something and get a GET.”
We see from this that women who
have a right to go free with a forced GET from their husbands lose that right
when we fear that this freedom will lead women to say lies so that they will be
able to remarry another man.
A prenup is exactly what the
Mishneh describes. A woman is given the right to force a GET from her husband
just because she asks for the GET. Now every Jewish woman can easily leave her
husband and find somebody else. The Mishneh makes is clear that we must guard
that women do not have this right. If so, how can we permit prenups?
They Claim Proof from Nachalas Shiva to Permit Prenups
Some claim a proof for prenups is found
in the classic Sefer Nachalas Shivo. Chapter 9 deals with documents signed at
the Chupah. The long version contains the following condition: “And if chas
vishalom the husband should do to his wife something that she cannot tolerate
and she needs a Beth Din, then the husband will immediately with no delay give
her ten gold pieces for her food. And so shall he give her every month of the contention.
And she gets her clothes and jewelry she needs to wear. And the husband will go
with her to their Beth Din. (And if there is no Beth Din in their city they
will go to one in a nearby city or make zabla.) This is to be done
within two weeks after she made this request of him. And the Beth Din will settle
any argument and difference between them. And after they come to terms the wife
will return to her husband’s house. And she will return any remaining money and
her clothes and her jewelry to her husband’s house, where they were
Some infer from this that a husband
can sign a prenup that obligates the husband to pay a monthly amount to his
wife when she demands a GET and leaves the house, until she gets a GET. But this
document says something much different.
First, the obligations of the
husband only begin when the wife suffers at his hands, perhaps from a beating.
And the Beth Din that will hear the case
has the authority and ability to find out the truth if he did beat her. If
a woman is beaten and she screams people hear it. And if he did something else
to torment her, the Beth Din is trained to find out exactly what happened. This
is crucial because we explained above that the Mishneh in Nedorim clearly
forbids any ruling that gives women the right to force a GET from the husband.
We fear that ladies will find somebody
more interesting than the husband and leave her husband whenever she wants.
That is exactly what a prenup does. The wife is empowered to force a GET
anytime she wants.
See also Kesubose 63b ד"ה אבל אמרה
about if a woman who claims that her husband disgusts her can force a GET.
Rabbeinu Tam says she cannot otherwise women would find somebody else to marry
and force a GET on the first husband. Thus, Rabbeinu Tam would surely forbid a
prenup, because it permits a woman to leave her husband against his will and
remarry somebody she likes better. We pasken like Rabbeinu Tam see EH 77 par 2 and
3. Thus, it is forbidden to give a woman the ability to force a GET from her husband
anytime she wants.
The Tosfose there says that if a woman
can force a GET but get no money from the husband not even a kesubo, some would
permit it. But if she gets money, such as a kesubo, everyone holds it is forbidden
to coerce the husband. Thus, everyone would agree that a prenup is wrong, even those
who disagree with Rabbeinu Tam.
The prenup is quite different from
the above document protecting the wife who must flee the house of her husband because
he did something terrible to her. He and she must go to Beth Din and while she returns to her parents
or some other house, the husband must give her some money for food. With a
prenup, the wife, for any reason, can leave the house and demand a GET. And the
husband must pay the wife a large amount
of money monthly or weekly or daily until he collapses and has to give a GET.
This GET is forced by the prenup, and it says that clearly in the prenup.
The Nachalas Shiva document
mentions nothing about a GET, only about going to Beth Din. And once the couple
is in Beth Din and the Beth Din clarifies what has to be done there is no
longer any payments. This is surely different than the huge sums demanded for
not giving a GET by prenups. There the entire purpose of the prenup is to force
a GET, and this is forbidden by the rabbis of the Mishneh.
Comments from Rabbonim on Prenups in Daas Torah
I saw in my brother’s blog Daattorah
a letter from rabbonim attacking Prenups. HaGaonRav Shlomo Yedidiah bReb
Zifroni shlit”o quotes the Gaon Rav Ovadiah Yosef zt”l quoted below that if a
wife leaves the house and does not want to return to the husband there is no
obligation to pay her money for mezonose or to give her mezonose. But if she
left the house because of a fight with a mother-in-law and will return when the
mother-in-law leaves, the husband must give her mezonose where she is staying.
It all depends whether she maintains the marriage and wants to remain his wife.
But if she wants to leave him, he has no obligations to her. Thus, Rav Shlomo
Yedidiah shlit”o rules that the prenup forces the husband to give a wife
mezonose of a huge sum of money has no place, because since she wants a GET,
and does not want to return to him, the husband has no obligation to provide
her with mezonose. Thus, the prenup is simply a tactic to force the husband to
give a GET, and the GET is thus a GET MEUSO and invalid.[1]
Also in my brother’s blog a letter
appears against prenups from Rav Eliyohu Shlesinger shlit”o who stresses that
Gedolim of past generations knew all of the problems about women needing a GET
and husbands refusing, and they knew all of the tricks to force a GET, but they
refused to introduce these things. And that is how we should behave. We are not
a generation that can invent devices that could produce invalid Gittin.
In the time of the Gaon Rav Yosheh
Ber Soloveitchik as Rosh Yeshiva in YU, people came forward with these ideas,
to make changes in divorces that would free women from the obligations of the
GET. He responded, “Kolu kol hakaitsim.” The end of all ends. This is the pits.
Once we start playing around with the laws of Gittin, we will have a disaster.
And today, things are not any better than in his time. In his time the world
had many great Torah leaders who could speak and be heard. Today we don’t have
any such personalities. And to listen to the mice and their squeaking will
introduce destruction.
וז"ל הגרע"י זצ"ל בתשובה - ולפ"ז
אתי שפיר גם ד' העדות ביעקב, דמיירי שהמניעה ע"י פשיעתו שבא עליה בנדתה וכיו"ב,
לכן יש לחייבו במזונות אף על פי שאינה דרה עמו. אבל נידון הרא"ש והטור דהוי
ע"י מחלת עצבים אין לחייבו במזונות. אולם יותר היה נ"ל לחלק כמש"כ
שיש הבדל בין כשאינה חוזרת אליו לצמיתות שדעתה להתגרש ממנו, ובין כשהיא מוכנה
לחזור אליו מיד כשתתבטל הסיבה והטענה שלה כלפיו. ושו"ר בשו"ת זכור
לאברהם אביגדור (בדף קנח ע"ג), שהביא מ"ש ה"ה (פי"ד מה'
אישות) בשם הרשב"א, שהמורדת בטענת מאיס עלי אין לה מזונות וכו', ודייק מדבריו
שאפי' אם נותנת אמתלא לדבריה למה הוא מאוס עליה אין לה מזונות, כיון שאינה רוצה
בו, והקשה ע"ז, ממ"ש הריטב"א הובא בשטה מקובצת (כתובות קג), שאשה
שיצאה מבית בעלה והלכה לה, אם נתנה טעם לדבריה חייב לתת לה מזונות שלמים במקום
שהיא, אבל אם לא נתנה טעם לדבריה פטור ממזונותיה, ואפי' למ"ד יש מזונות
למורדת גמורה, התם ביושבת עמו בבית וכו'. [א"ה, וע' בשו"ת הריטב"א
הנד"מ סימן קנ. ודו"ק]. ולכאורה דברי הריטב"א אלו הם דלא כמ"ש
הרשב"א שאפי' נותנת אמתלא לדבריה אין לה מזונות. ותירץ, מיהו קושטא דמילתא
שאינו חולק, דהריטב"א מיירי כשהיא חפצה בו, אלא שמשום איזה סיבה עזבה את
הבית, כגון מפני קטטה עם חמותה וכיו"ב, ומש"ה חייב במזונותיה, אבל
האומרת מאיס עלי ואינה רוצה להיות אשתו עוד למה יתן לה מזונות. ובודאי דלדידן
דקי"ל שאין כופין אותו לגרש בטענת מאיס עלי, אין לה מזונות ג"כ, שאם
יכפוהו לזונה, הוי גט מעושה, כיון שכופין אותו באונס ממון. ע"כ. והוא תנא
דמסייע לן. (וכמ"ש ג"כ הגאון מליסא בס' בית יעקב הנ"ל
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