Profile Rabbi Dovid E. Eidensohn

Monday, May 16, 2016

Critical Letter from Elaine Donnelly about Drafting Women in America

May 16, 2016

TO: Rabbi David Eidensohn
RE: "Draft America's Daughters" Language Must be Dropped from Defense Bills 
Dear Rabbi Eidensohn,
Liberals and feminists are about to score a huge victory at the expense of military women, men in the combat arms, and even civilian women who have no idea that some Republicans are joining with near-unanimous Democrats in making them subject to Selective Service obligations, including a possible future draft, on the same basis as men.
We need your help to turn this around and there isn't much time.
Recently, the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) narrowly approved language titled "Draft America's Daughtersas part of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2017 (HR 4909) This wasn't supposed to happen, but it did, on a committee roll-call vote of 32-30.
An uproar ensued, and we were encouraged by signs that our efforts on the House side were starting to make a difference. Early last week three amendments, two of which would strike the offending language on the floor of the House were filed with the Rules Committee by Chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX) and HASC Chairman "Mac" Thornberry (R-TX).
Then came the inexplicable news that Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain, conducting his closed-door markup of the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization Act, (S. 2814), successfully sponsored legislation to impose Selective Service obligations on unsuspecting civilian women.  (Sen. McCain has also called for another controversial idea -- a commission to study of some sort of national service.)
The "Draft America's Daughters"legislation, and similar legislation sponsored by Senator McCain have no place in the defense bill. This is a two-page summary of reasons why, and this is a link to the news release we sent out last Friday:
Please contact your own representatives in the U.S. House and Senate directly. Fast action is needed because:
  • The House NDAA (HR 4909) will come up for a floor vote sometime this week, May 16-20.
  • The Senate is likely to vote next week, May 23-27 (not confirmed).

You can reach both representatives and senators on the phone (U.S. Capitol Switchboard 202/224-3121) or through the lawmakers' website comment sections. You can easily locate those website pages by going here: Contacting the Congress.
Let your representatives and senators in Washington, D.C. know that they will be held accountable for any vote to "Draft America's Daughters."
Finally, I hope you will consider helping CMR with a generous tax-deductible contribution. Our funds are low at the worst possible time.
We need your help to continue doing original research, and producing reliable analyses of everything harmful that is being done to our military.
Contributions in any amount will be appreciated, but hope you will consider being extra generous at this critical time.   
You can use our secure and convenient website by clicking below. The CMR page also provides a form to download for tax-deductible contributions in the mail.

Thank you for taking action on legislation that is both anti-women and anti-military. Military readiness and national security are at risk, and our military has suffered enough.  
I hope to hear from you soon.
Elaine's Signature-Blue

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