Profile Rabbi Dovid E. Eidensohn

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Guest Post - American Women in Military and Draft

by Yomim Postelnik

Regarding women and the draft (and make no mistake, Selective Service registration is for a draft if needed, and one day it might be) aside from going against the morals of any society at any time, it would by nature promote mass rape on the battlefield.
Normal people don't do what happened in Abu Ghraib and battle circumstances change the nature of many. No, not all and not even the majority, but a wartime draft would subject thousands of women to rape.
Don't believe me? I'm just a wingnut?
Fine..... look at college campuses and accept that many allegations are fabricated. How many rapes occur there per year - under far less grueling circumstances than war?
I did not understand the seriousness of this until Rabbi Dovid Eidensohn started a blog on the issue that points out the crucial details that get lost when every issue is spoken of in genteel sophistry.
Please see his writings on the subject - He told me in conversation that the Chazon Ish offered to give his life to Hashem in order for there to be no draft of girls in Israel. He passed shortly after, saying right before that it will never be forced on the people because of the spiritual war that many launched (it's on the books but has never and will never be actually forced on women - over there). This is similar to the Lubavitcher Rebbe's offer of giving his life for Jewish security there a month and a half before his stroke.
I know that there are some people who mistakenly use the guise of "women's rights" to promote abortion on demand (infanticide if the mother's life is not at risk), divorce as one upmanship, gender wars under false pretenses and everything else, but do these same Al Sharpton style gender warmongers (most decent people agree with Equal Pay, equal rights in all matters and recognize different natures - remember it's conservatives who say that children need both a Mommy and Daddy and libs who say that two of either or three of each is just as good or better).
But do they now want to promote the wholesale rape of thousands of women for the sake of Political Correctness??!

Yomin Postelnik
(954) 701-716