Profile Rabbi Dovid E. Eidensohn

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Babbling of Reb Shmuel Kaminetsky's Students

Today my brother posted a new letter from the students of Rabbi Kaminetsky.It says that the second letter, that is, the part of it that I quote, is a forgery. Oh well, oh well. The rest of this post is from the second letter before it was claimed by some to be a forgery.

Let me make an appeal to some student who cares about Reb Shmuel. Ninety year old people can't stand this. Please call me. Why me? Because I was the major force in fighting Reb Shmuel for years. But I fought him leshaim shomayim. There was nothing personal just the attack on what he did with Gittin. Now I want to help settle this thing before it is serious. If you don't want to call me, I don't blame you, but I have to do what is possible, and this is it.

My brother posted an updated letter backing Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetsky from many of his students who have prominent Torah positions in Israel and America. There are two versions of the students' defense of Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetsky. The second one adds the following: [The original is on my brother's blog and I add my translation here:] And we [the students] do hereby protest with all of our strength the shame of the Torah of our rebbe the glory of the generation. And whoever argues with the rebbe's decision is as one who argues with the Schechina. And even though many great in Torah and Torah scholars have criticized his pesak decision, nonetheless the Torah says, Do not turn aside from the thing that they will tell you right or left and we find in Sifri even if things appear to you that their left is really the right or that their right is really the left obey them."

My understanding is that two major rabbonim visited Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetsky to protest his encouraging Tamar to marry without a GET and they got him to sign a paper that he no longer supports her remarriage without a GET. Now this letter tells us that anyone who attacks Rabbi Kaminetsky is as if he argues with the Schechina. Now, did Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetsky sign a leter than he did not encourage Tamar to remarry? If so, what is this letter of the students all about? Either Rabbi Kaminetsky signed a lie or his students never heard about his signing a paper, and they think he still backs Tamar to remarry without a GET.

And if as I understand Rabbi Shalom Kaminetsky the son of Reb Shmuel was the main force of getting Tamar to remarry without a GET after Reb Shmuel signed a letter that he did not back her remarriage, the real issue is not with Reb Shmuel but with Reb Shalom. And if anyone who argues with Reb Shalom is as if he argued with the Schechinah, and if anyone who disagrees with Reb Shalom is violating chazal because Reb Shalom is the greatest sage of the generation, then these students really have it mixed up.

This is an incredible situation. A person whose whole life was being a Rosh Yeshiva in a very senior Yeshiva, and when it comes to defend him, nobody will say one word to explain why he did what all rabbis who will discuss it publicly are saying is making mamzerim.

Basically, if Reb Shmuel had a leg to stand on, these many Torah scholar scholar students could surely have put together a proper response, in pure halachic terms, why Reb Shmuel or Reb Shalom were right in what they did. Obviously, no such thing exists, and the students, with nothing to say to support Reb Shmuel or Reb Shalom, are reduced to babbling.

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