Sunday, February 10, 2019

Light before Darkness, bringing Moshiach. Are you helping?

The Mishneh in Sota 49 that before Moshiach the world will be led by people who reject heaven

Dovid Eidensohn

The above Mishneh is a lengthy description of the Destruction of the Temple and subsequent deaths of great rabbis which led to great decline. Earlier in the Mishneh, the decline and death of great rabbis led to a situation where prominent Jews were ashamed to go among people because the dominant attitude was even among Jews a negative feeling towards those who truly worshipped HaShem.

The end of the Mishneh prophesied that just prior to the arrival of Moshiach the leaders of the world would be deniers. That today, has taken place throughout the world. England and Canada have turned against biblical and family people. A senior rabbi in England has said that now Jews must leave England. New York State and New Jersey have openly declared a policy of murder in certain instances. It is getting worse all of the time.

There is, however, in this lengthy agony, a ray of light. The Mishne says, “And we have no one to turn to other than our Father in Heaven.” The senior disciple of the Chofets Chaim, Reb Elchonon Wasserman, explained that this is not a call to despair. HaShem controls the world. When he sees pious people turning to Him, He is sensitive to their efforts. Ultimately, Rambam says, in the Messianic Era, even gentiles will turn away from their idols and beliefs and worship HaShem. When he was being led by the cursed Germans to be slaughtered, he spoke to his students and told them, “If we die, heaven is watching. In our merit of giving our lives for HaShem, the Torah will come to America.” Reb Aharon once repeated, in America, the belief from Vollozhner Yeshiva, run by the senior disciple of the Vilna Gaon, that the process of Moshiach will go first to America and then to Israel. This has happened to some degree, but Moshiach is not yet here. But we see so many miracles that we have hope. HaShem’s holy fingers are on the wall, and revealed every day in every newspaper.

The rule is that from darkness comes light. This world is filled with sin. But people repent and HaShem forgives them. Angels don’t sin, and their light is less than the light of people, who struggle with darkness to find HaShem. The Messianic era is a time of revealing the greatest heavenly light, and the end of darkness.

The process of Moshiach, the greatest light, began, as was necessary, with the greatness darkness. Hitler killed six million Jews. The war ended in 1945, and the State of Israel was declared in 1948. True to form, the people who founded the State of Israel, the Zionists, were not  heavenly people, not at all. The senior leader of Jews in Israel was David ben Gurion. He was completely irreligious. So where was the light? His greatest general was Moshe Dayan, so removed from heaven that he stole from treasures in graveyards, and confessed that he was ashamed that he had a daughter. Where was the light? But Ben Gurion who was absolutely not religious, and Moshe Dayan, also completely not religious, both trusted in heaven. Ben Gurion spoke of  his trust in miracles, and Moshe Dayan, when urged to force Yeshiva students into the army to fight, replied, “They do their share.” He knew from his army experience, that success of the Jewish army was a mighty miracle lit by HaShem’s determination to save the Jewish people and bring Moshiach.

When the State of Israel was founded in 1948, the Arabs declared war and determination to destroy the Jews living in Israel. They strongly outnumbered the Jews in the best weapons purchased from the British who formerly controlled Israel and soldiers thoroughly trained by the British to shoot and to fight. The Jews were mostly Holocaust survivors who when given a gun they had never used would end up killing their fellow Jews.

A major American general, the senior advisor to President Roosevelt, told a friend of the Jews, “I hope that you win your war with the Arabs. But as a military person, I don’t believe it is possible for you to do this.” Ben Gurion, who knew better than this General that it was impossible to defeat the Arabs, launched a war with them that achieved with miracles which nobody believed was possible.

For instance, there were two mighty and huge Arab armies, bristling with the best tanks, weapons and skilled and ferocious fighters. The Jews had few weapons, few good soldiers, and nothing that made sense to stop the Arabs. But Ben Gurion said, “We have faith and we will win.” First there was the problem with two mighty armies of Arabs pounding on a small army of broken Jews who didn’t know how to use weapons, even the simple and primitive ones that they had. The Jews had the ability to be clever. They approached the general of one of the armies of Arabs, and asked him, What do you think of the general of the other Arab army? The Jew who asked this question knew the answer, that the two hated each other. The Arab general asked this question readily admitted that he hated the other general. The Jew then asked, “And if we kill him, what will you say?” “I will say, go ahead full steam with my good wishes.” The first general promised not to get involved in the fighting with the second general. The Jews slaughtered the second army and killed the general. They then continued on to destroy the first general and his army. Here was faith and heavenly light shining in the worst darkness. It will continue to shine until Moshiach will do away with hate and evil for all humans.

The terror in the world in England, Canada, New York State and New Jersey, is a terror of the darkness before the coming of Moshiach. But those Jews who jump into the war before them, and fight, merit a light from heaven. I began fighting and asked advice from people who were experts and things started to move. Amazing changes came about. We need many more people to get involved because we a few Jews are fighting a whole world that hates Jews. But the light of Moshiach is surely shining. Those who leap into the war as did Nachshon ben Aminodov will merit to see that what in his time will be done in their time. He saw the miracle of HaShem to split the water and the Jews marched over in peace. Then HaShem destroyed the entire Egyptian army. One person did that. If you are that one person to fight darkness, HaShem is watching you. Do it!

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