Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Pneumonia Fixed with Medication and the Hospital

Pneumonia, Part Two, Baruch HaShem finished
Dovid Eidensohn

I went today to my doctor and he studied me very carefully about my pneumonia. He finished his work and told me that there is not a trace of pneumonia left in me, but that I must now be very careful not to stir things up and make problems. He suggested a few weeks of peace of mind, and only then getting once again into the thick of things.
He sent me to a lab to study my blood, and told me that in two weeks I have to redo an x-ray about my general situation and the passing of the pneumonia. The happiness in my heart that I heard such good words from this doctor, who is surely one of the top experts in his field, gave me strength that had eluded me for a few weeks. I walked with a steady pace to the doctor’s office, and returned full blast, although I was careful to force myself to sit down at one point and relax. Then I got up and went home full of happiness.
When a person is my age and has pneumonia or some terrible disease, one senses that just in the next room in the Angel of Death. And when the doctor gives us the good news that the pneumonia is gone and that if we behave there is surely hope for a healthy future, we surely want to thank HaShem for fears that may not return.
I want to say more, but the doctor warned me to take my joy slow and easy unless I want to make a mess of things. So I will obey him and thank HaShem and conclude for me at this time.

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