Sunday, May 15, 2016

America Prepares to Draft Women in Military

Here is a letter from Elaine Donnelly opposing drafting women for the military. Sadly, there are very few people fighting this even in the Torah community. For a woman to be drafted would be a problem that could lead to suicide or questions in halacha if this is יהרג ואל יעבור. But nobody seems interested.

Center for Military Readiness

May 12, 2016
To:  Rabbi David Eidensohnd           

Re:  Reasons Why “Draft America’s Daughters” Language Must be Dropped
        from Defense Bill

I am sending you a two-page summary of major reasons why the “Draft America’s Daughters”legislation, narrowly approved in the House Armed Services Committee on April 27, has no place in the National Defense Authorization Act for 2017: 

·       Congress Should Overrule House Committee Vote for “Draft America’s Daughters” Amendment

We understand that the NDAA (HR 4478) will come up for a floor vote next week

This will be a major turning-point vote, signaling whether members of Congress actually support uniformed women and military readiness, or are willing to impose harmful policies on both in the name of politically correct “equality.”

I hope that you and your organization will hold accountable every member of Congress who votes for misguided legislation to “Draft America’s Daughters, or passively allow it to pass as part of the House version of the NDAA.

Keep in mind that Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain has said he has no problem with the idea of registering and drafting unsuspecting girls-next-door.

More detailed information is available here:

·       CMR: Congress Should Overrule House Committee Vote for “Draft America’s Daughters” Amendment

·       CMR Policy Analysis: Women, War, and Selective Service

The following articles also stress the urgency of the situation:

·       Jane Chastain, World Net Daily: Drafting Women Worse than Cowardly
·       Heritage Daily SignalDon’t Force America’s Daughters into Combat
·       Stars & StripesHouse Set to Weigh in on Drafting Women

If you have questions about the two-page CMR Analysis of the “Draft America’s Daughters”legislation, please call me at 734/464-9430

Thank you for caring about our troops; they deserve better treatment than this.

Elaine's Signature-Blue
Elaine Donnelly
President, Center for Military Readiness
P. O. Box 51600
Livonia, Michigan 48151