Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Jewish Outreach Congregation - Program and Progress

Jewish Outreach Congregation – Plans and Programs – Elul 5775-6
Rabbi Dovid E. Eidensohn
Jewish Outreach Congregation has now several programs.

We give a weekly telephone conference on the laws of Even Hoezer, marriage and family. Very few people know these laws. People are inventing laws that create invalid Gittin. Women who remarry with these invalid Gittin may have mamzerim for children.

Our blogspot has over a hundred posts.. So far this year we have over 15,000 page views. The emphasis is on Halacha in marriage and divorce. Few people know these laws and a mistake in a GET can invalidate it. A woman who remarries with an invalid GET can have children mamzerim.

We also have a website, with text and audio, and a blogspot with videos, . The videos are mostly about Rabbi Eidensohn’s personal study under Geonim Reb Aharon Kotler and Reb Moshe Feinstein zt”l.

There is a growing trend for governments such as New York and Quebec to force husbands to give a GET or lose custody or money. This makes an invalid GET. Nobody is fighting this as we do. The disgrace of Rosh Yeshivas and prominent rabbis coercing husbands who are married to their relatives, etc., is also something we openly fight. And the Rosh Yeshivas in Philadelphia who are encouraging a woman to remarry without a GET, despite the fact that the husband would give a GET, is also publicly opposed by us, and we don’t know any competition.

People have lost confidence in rabbis. Families are collapsing. Children are leaving the Torah. Some don’t want to get married at all. We are with our very limited resources, getting a small group of people organized to fight these things.

I need about two hundred dollars a month just to survive with the present programs to pay Verizon for the internet and the telephones and upkeep of the old computers.

We are planning on putting our material into books, which could produce income. But it costs money to produce books.  I published some books that people read and enjoy. But without money I could not advertise them, and the stores are not interested in books that have no advertising. One book, Secret of the Scale, deals with the critical issue of the gender wars and what the Torah in the revealed and hidden law tells about male and female. I also published a book The Torah that Was, the Torah that Will Be: Stories of Rosh Yeshivas, which was the personal experiences I had with Reb Aharon Kotler, Reb Moshe Feinstein, and other Gedolim. I have a new volume there bringing things up to date. It also attempts to solve the present family and Yeshiva problems with past solutions. Gedolim told me that the situation in Yeshivas is critical and must be fixed. But I don’t see anyone doing any fixing.

We therefore are trying to expand our programs and the funds needed for their upkeep.
I have done what I can. I am seventy-three years old. Alone, I can’t continue. But with some help, we can really move.
If anyone wants to help, please contact me at:

Thank you.

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