Call 605-562-3130 then enter code 411161#Telephone
conference EH #15 Wed night 9:30 Aug 12 – Call 605-562-3130 then enter code
411161#Wars Between Rabbis Make: Mamzerim, Doubtful
Mamzerim, and Laaz about Mamzeruth
By Rabbi Dovid E. Eidensohn
This week a prominent Posek called
me and said he wanted to come over to my house. He came and we spent a long
time on a case where a woman is planning to remarry without a GET. For a long
time I was the only one publicly protesting this in my blog
However, when the rumor began circulating that the woman was ready to remarry,
and that a prominent Rosh Yeshiva was encouraging her, I began attacking
prominent rabbis who were silent and threatened them with being put in cherem
if the woman remarries. Then some prominent rabbis did get involved and did
some real things including signing a letter that the woman was still married
and could not remarry without a GET. Some of these prominent rabbis would call
me up and thank me for protesting, but they did not protest.
The rabbinical world is split. The
major Gedolim stay with the Shulchan Aruch, but others break with it. They want
to help “Agunoth” by coercing husbands to divorce their wives even when not
permitted by the Shulchan Aruch. Some states in America and Canada have passed
laws forcing husbands to give their
wives a GET when the wife demands it. Major rabbis consider this GET invalid and
the children born from it to be mamzerim or doubtful mamzerim. But some rabbis are silent or feel that
pressuring the husband is a good deed, in defiance of the Shulchan Aruch Poskim
and Gedolei HaDor.
In the recent trial of rabbis who
tortured husbands to force them to give a GET, the defense was that some rabbis
felt that torturing a husband to force a GET is a mitzvah. But they had no
source for this to violate the Shulchan Aruch and the major Poskim and Gedolim.
Thus, in the next generation,
people from Torah and Haredi homes will become engaged, and somebody will find
out about the GET the mother had; then
people will decide if they want to marry somebody considered to be a mamzer by
Gedolei HaDor who stick with the Shulchan Aruch, such as Rav Chaim Kanievsky
and Rav Shmuel HaLevi Wosner, or maybe
they should allow the marriage that will produce more mamzerim, generation
after generation.
In our previous telephone
conference the topic was What Beth Din is Kosher? Forcing a GET is permitted
only with the permission of Gedolei HaDor according to a letter from Gedolim
including Rav Shmuel HaLevi Wosner zt”l. But many rabbis such as Rosh Yeshivas
who don’t know halocho so well and therefore rule against the Shulchan Aruch,
cannot be a Beth Din. If they coerced a GET the mother is considered as one who
got a GET from an invalid Beth Din. The coercion is surely not valid. See
Mishpitei Yisroel pages 5-12, with letters from Gedolim in Israel and America
about coercing a GET and going to civil court.
Rabbi Moshe Heinemann openly
Rabbi Heinemann obviously does not know that the Rashbo VII:414 states that even a husband who is commanded by the Talmud to divorce his wife may not be humiliated. The Radvaz and Chazon Ish agree with this. But Rabbi Heinemann congratulates an organization that produced 150 coerced and probably invalid GITTIN and who knows how many mamzerim!
Rabbi Heinemann obviously does not know that the Rashbo VII:414 states that even a husband who is commanded by the Talmud to divorce his wife may not be humiliated. The Radvaz and Chazon Ish agree with this. But Rabbi Heinemann congratulates an organization that produced 150 coerced and probably invalid GITTIN and who knows how many mamzerim!

We thus see how bad the situation
is. Rabbi Heinemann those who violate the Rashbo, the Radvaz and the Chazon Ish, the Shulchan Aruch
77 par 2 and 3 and all of the poskim there, and the Gedolei haDor in Israel
such as Rav Shmuel HaLevi Wosner and Rav Chaim Kanievsky, as quoted in the work
Mishpitei Yisroel. That means 150 women who probably have invalid Gittin, and 150
women who may have children from other husbands who are mamzerim. And Rabbi
Heinemann rejoices at this.
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