Friday, June 17, 2016

Torah Women at Risk and Nobody Cares

Tragedy - Senate Votes for Women to be Drafted

The following is a brief paragraph from the New York Times describing the vote of the Senate of the United States to draft women along with men if and when the government requires a draft. Until that time, men and women who come of age must apply to Select Service or face penalties. Here is the paragraph from the Times:

On Tuesday, the Senate approved an expansive military policy bill that would for the first time require young women to register for the draft. The shift, while fiercely opposed by some conservative lawmakers and interest groups, had surprisingly broad support among Republican leaders and women in both parties.

Incredibly, the Orthodox who have so many effective people who spend much energy on getting government programs for Yeshivas, etc., were no where to be found in this issue. We have no leadership. And now women may be called up for the draft, and when the government needs them, for military matters, they must service, everywhere. Since this is against the Torah and a cardinal sin for a woman to be in an army with men, all Orthodox women will suffer. And since men cannot enter a mixed army, they, too, are forbidden to join the army.

Three thousand women in fiscal year 2012 claimed to be abused sexually. The government who made the report says that this was less than fifteen percent of the actual number. But many ladies are afraid or disinterested in reporting their suffering, but the actual number is probably around twenty thousand women mostly young ones who were abused seriously. And not one major rabbinic group fought this draft rule. Today in shull we were discussing a teaching from a holy person of the earlier generations, that before Moshiach comes, some people who are apikorsim will become major rabbis. Maybe that is what they should teach in Yeshivas and the Agudah Convention.

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