Profile Rabbi Dovid E. Eidensohn

Friday, January 11, 2019

By Rabbi Dovid E. Eidensohn


Kiddushin and Pilegesh

It is known that in the life of a Torah child and family, the greatest happiness is often the marriage of a child, especially a woman, who comes to the wedding with exquisite gowns and jewelry. It is appropriate for a woman to feel special about the marriage day. The gemora and the poskim tell us that a man must love his wife as he loves himself and honor her more than himself.[1] A good marriage is about a husband constantly thinking of ways to honor his wife more than himself. The Torah tells us that a man upon marriage should “make his wife rejoice.” Rashi and the Zohar[2] note that the command is not for the husband to rejoice in marriage “with the wife” but to “make her rejoice” meaning, if it is hard for the husband to give all to make his wife happy, he is doing things properly.  But if he goes about his marriage as a partnership, and he is only willing to go so far in his kindness to his wife as she goes for him, that is wrong, and the marriage is not going in the right direction.[3]

Thus, marriage, at least the beginning of marriage, is ideally an opportunity for the wife to be the center of attention, and the husband is careful to make her happy even if it is hard for him. We have come so far talking about the beginning of the marriage, the first day or so, and of course the first year is also special, and hopefully, afterwards as well. If things go well the first day and the first year, and the husband really trains himself to please his wife, and she reciprocates his love for her, that is a winning combination. But the reality is, especially today, that marriages are not always as smooth and lovely as we wish. In fact, the topic of our discussion here is about when things go wrong, and the marriage does not work out well. We are even discussing here what happens when the wife is fed up with her husband, and yes, sometimes she wants a divorce. But according to the Torah, the man has the power to control giving the GET, or ending the marriage. If he does not give his wife a GET willingly, she is not free of him.

If she finds some rabbi who encourages her to get people to pressure the husband to give her a GET against his will, that GET is invalid. If she remarries with it, an invalid GET, and has children from the next husband, there is a problem of the children born from an invalid GET to be mamzerim. But to stay married to someone she cannot stand is also terrible. Thus, the situation with Kiddushin can begin in a lovely matter, but it can end terribly. What is a woman to do?

Let us be honest. Kiddushin is a problem for women, and it could be a problem even for men, although we are emphasizing now about the problems for women. We know that the majority of Orthodox women marry with Kiddushin, maybe nearly all of them. But what happens when the marriage sours? Rather, is there any way to avoid the crisis of a woman desperate to leave her husband when he is not interested in her leaving? One idea is for the husband to promise to divorce her at a certain time, but he could change his mind, and there is nothing she can do about it. She could refuse to marry at all, but what kind of life is that? It is even a sin to refuse to marry, because people have biological forces that cause sins in one not married. No, the truth is, that Kiddushin is a major problem, with all of its glitter and glory. Increasingly, people find the worst problems from Kiddushin.

There is, however, a solution. But like many solutions, you have to think slowly and carefully into this solution. It may be for you and it may have problems. The solution is to marry without Kiddushin that gives the man the power to control the marriage and the wife’s happiness, and to marry with something known as Pilegesh. Pilegesh is a marriage discussed in the gemora Sanhedrin 21A and the Shulchan Aruch in the beginning of the laws of Kiddushin. The Ramban enthusiastically embraces Pilegesh, and says that the Rambam also accepts it, as long as the couple marries in a serious manner, that is, not as zenuse. A couple committed to marriage, even one without Kiddushin, but as Pilegesh, are married in a kosher matter. It is not only kosher, but it saves the problems of Kiddushin, because the husband and wife, if they see the marriage as a problem, can simply end it, with no penalties at all.

I know some women who married as Pilegesh and they were happy with it. Some had big problems with Kiddushin and were advised that the next marriage should be Pilegesh, and they were very happy with Pilegesh.

And yet, there is definitely a negative feeling in marrying with Pilegesh, at least, in some people. What I say to these people is to understand that if there is a Kiddushin marriage and it fails, and the woman goes to a rabbi who violates the Torah and forces the husband to divorce her, her next children will be mamzerim. Now, can Pilegesh be worse than mamzerim? No. That usually convinces people, but not all people.

I have actually dealt with people who feel that better mamzeruth than Pilegesh. Well, the children born from the Kiddushin marriage that produces mamzerim will not agree, not after they become mamzerim. So how can anyone believe that Pilegesh is worse than mamzeruth? Again, Pilegesh marriage, assuming it is a true marriage and not zenuse, is a completely valid thing, backed by gedolei hadorose, such as Ramban and even Rambam if there is no zenuse but a real marriage. Pilegesh is discussed in the very beginning of the Laws of Kiddushin in the Shulchan Aruch. The Vilna Gaon there quotes the gemora in Sanhedrin 21A that Pilegesh is without Kiddushin and without Kesubo, but it is viable, again, as long as it is a real marriage.

I know people who had problems with Kiddushin, men and women, and who are interested in Pilegesh. But it is a new thing and few people do it today, so that itself is a problem for many people. I understand that. What I don’t understand is the people who tell me strongly that Pilegesh is worse than mamzeruth. What world do they live in? Pilegesh is not a sin and mamzeruth is a sin and the worst pain for a child and for the parents. Who can say such a thing that Pilegesh is worse than mamzeruth? But I repeat that somebody who thinks carefully, will realize that making mamzerim from your children is much worse than marrying with Pilegesh.

I also maintain that a woman who marries with Kiddushin, must realize the danger she is in. Perhaps the husband will not be what she wants, and there is no escape other than the death of the husband. Of course, she could find a “rabbi” who tells her to disobey the Torah and force the husband to divorce her. But if she does that, children born from her second marriage will be likely mamzerim.

We have thus concluded the first section of our discussion of Pilegesh. The next section will be about the laws of Pilegesh and how to arrange a Pilegesh marriage in practical terms.

Pilegesh in Halacha

 We begin with the gemora in Sanhedrin 21A quoted by the Vilna Gaon in his commentary to the beginning of the Laws of Kiddushin in Shulchan Aruch Even Hoezer. A Pilegesh has no Kiddushin and no Kesubo. What then are the laws of Pilegesh?

A major source to permit Pilegesh is from the Ramban. The Ramban is found in the volume of the Teshuvose of the Rashbo entitled “Responsa of the Rashbo that seem to be from the Ramban.” Let us explain what this means. The Rashbo has many volumes as he was one of the greatest codifiers and poskim. One of those volumes is known as Meyucheses meaning, it is included as a volume written by the Rashbo, but actually, it is from the Ramban. Let us explain this a bit. The volume called Meyucheses is classified as being from the Rashbo, but at least two teshuvose are clearly not from the Rashbo but from the Ramban. These are responsas number 283 and 284. Both of these teshuvose are clearly marked as being not from the Rashbo but from the Ramban. Many other teshuvose in this volume are not marked as being from the Ramban, and they are generally included with the other responsas of the Rashbo, although at least two of the Teshuvose ascribed to the Rashbo are definitely from the Ramban and not the Rashbo, as stated before. Again, the other of the 288 teshuvose in this volume are not clearly marked as being from the Ramban, which would seemingly indicate that they are not from the Ramban, but from somebody else, maybe the Rashbo. But the two responses that are clearly marked as being from the Ramban, these two are surely from the Ramban. Responsa 284 is about Pilegesh. Let us see what the Ramban says about Pilegesh.

It is a long teshuva but let us take a few passages that clarify exactly what Pilegesh means and what Kiddushin means. It seems that Kiddushin means that the woman the husband marries with kiddushin becomes his wife, as if he has acquired her. The Pilegesh does not have this aspect, and she is not acquired by the husband. Thus, in Kiddushin, since the wife is acquired by the husband through the Kiddushin, she may not leave him without his permission, such as when he gives her a GET or dies. Pilegesh, on the other hand, does not confer upon the husband the right to claim that the woman is acquired by him. She can therefore leave whenever she wants, as can the husband.

The second law the Ramban discusses about Kiddushin and Pilegesh is that in Kiddushin the woman who is sanctified by the Kiddushin becomes forbidden to everyone other than her husband. The Pilegesh is not forbidden to everyone other than the husband as the Kiddushin woman is forbidden. That is, if a woman is married with Kiddushin and has relations with a strange man, she is forbidden to return to her husband, and she is forbidden to be ever again with the strange man she slept with. The Ramban says that Pilegesh does not have this rule, but he does not state clearly what this means. Does it mean that she can sleep with her husband and other men? It surely doesn’t mean that, because this is not marriage but the opposite. What I understand from this is that in Kiddushin the husband acquires her which means that no man other than the husband is ever allowed to sleep with the wife of the husband who made Kiddushin to acquire her. A Pilegesh does not have this acquiring in the sense that the husband acquires her and has power over her to forbid her to be with other men. Now a Pilegesh surely is forbidden to go with men not her husband. But it is not because the husband acquires her as he acquires a Kiddushin wife. It is rather because a Pilegesh must be careful not to turn her relationship with the husband into Zenuse, or prostitution. If the wife of the Pilegesh husband goes around sleeping with other men she has violated the sanctity of marriage for Pilegesh, and Rambam would consider her a sinner because she acted with zenuse.

The third level discussed by Ramban is that Pilegesh is not Mekudesh [sanctified with Kiddushin] as is the woman who is sanctified with Kiddushin. Again, it is not clear what this means. Possibly, it means that a woman who accepts Kiddushin is somewhat sanctified by it, but Pilegesh has no sanctity similar to Kiddushin. She and he her husband must honor their marriage and not run around with zenuse, but she has no sanctity bordering on Kiddushin.  What we gain from this is that a woman with Kiddushin must deal with her elevated status of holiness not to leave the husband without his permission, etc., but the Pilegesh has no such elevated status that forces the Pilegesh to be acquired by the husband, etc., as mentioned above. Despite this, the Pilegesh woman is obligated to honor marriage with one husband, otherwise she sins with zenuse and the husband must drive her from the house as we see later.

The Ramban then says that even though the Rambam in the Laws of Kings says that Pilegesh is permitted only to a king, the Ramban says this means that if one takes a woman as zenuse without marrying her, that is forbidden for somebody who is not a king, but one who takes a Pilegesh to marry her, Rambam agrees that a Pilegesh is permitted. Possibly a king who marries a Pilegesh does not fear that she will commit zenuse, because once the king takes her as a Pilegesh and surely if he has relations with her, nobody will go near here for zenuse, nor will anyone violate her marriage with the king out of fear of the king.

Another major backer of Pilegesh is Rav Yaacov Emden, son of the Chacham Tsvi. See his Teshuva sefer Shaalas Yayvetz II:15; at the end of the lengthy teshuvo there he writes how to do Pilegesh properly: “The husband must designate a room in his house for his wife the Pilegesh, and to warn her against ever being alone with any other man, and if he ever discovers that she sinned and was not careful, that he should immediately send her out of his house, and also he should command her to go to the Mikva regularly, and he should notify her that there is absolutely no shame in this. Also, he should clarify for her that children born from him are kosher children just like the meyuchesdika children in Jewish homes, so long as she guards her covenant and will be faithful to this man her husband, but not if she goes with other men to have zenuse with them. Because then her children are the products of zenuse. And she is a Kedaisho prostitute who deserves a punishment for every biah that she has with this man or any other man.”

We have covered basic halochose of Pilegesh. And now we come to understanding in practical terms the proper halacha applications and status of a Pilegesh marriage.

Proper Halacha Application and Status of a Pilegesh Marriage

Until now I have quoted various sources to explain why Pilegesh is permitted, and we have touched on various aspects of living as a Pilegesh. But now we want to go into a new area, so let me explain what it is.

As I mentioned above, most people marry with Kiddushin and few people marry with Pilegesh. This itself is a problem for those who marry with Pilegesh. For instance, Mr. A marries Mrs. B. as a Pilegesh. They live together for several years, and have children, but then decide to break up the marriage, which for a Pilegesh is basically simple. No GET is required. Permission of the husband is not required. Okay.

Now, let us imagine that Mrs. B. decides to leave her husband and maybe take some children elsewhere. One day somebody comes to her and asks her if she is interested in remarrying. She replies that she wants to know who the man is. So she is told who the man is. Then the shadchon asks the Pilegesh lady, “Can you show me a paper that you received a proper GET?” Mrs. B. never got a GET, because a Pilegesh doesn’t need a GET. But if she replies that she is a Pilegesh and doesn’t need a GET, people may not accept that. Very few people do become Pilegesh. So what does the Pilegesh lady do?

Another Pilegesh problem is mentioned in the section of the Shulchan Aruch that deals with Kiddushin marriage. The very beginning of that section deals with Pilegesh. One of the problems of Pilegesh is that she may be embarrassed to go to the Mikva to be cleansed of Nida. In fact, there is an opinion that forbids marrying a Pilegesh because she may be embarrassed to go to the Mikva, but consequently, if she is prepared to go to the Mikvah, which may have some embarrassment for her, she is permitted. But let us make a mental note of this, that if you are in a community with thousands of people who have Kiddushin and maybe five people have Pilegesh, some people, including the Pilegesh, may not understand or perhaps they will understand too well that they should be embarrassed! If we talk about people married with Pilegesh, we must deal with these issues. We don’t want women refusing to go to the Mikva, and we don’t want women attacked because they have no GET when they are Pilegesh who don’t need a GET.

Recall that our title of this section is Proper Halacha Application and Status of a Pilegesh Marriage. I want to present the following here: Proper Halacha Application and Status means dealing with Pilegesh people as human beings who are given some protection from similar problems that could crop up when somebody is different than most other people in any level of behavior especially in something as sensitive as marriage and having children. So what do I suggest?

One, I suggest that a couple that wants to marry as Pilegesh be trained by a rabbi who is prepared to explain all of the possible difficulties, and who is willing to work hard to find solutions to those problems.

Let us talk about the problem of going to the Mikva. Whose problem is this? It is the problem of the Rov who manages the couple who are Pilegesh. The Rov must find the proper Mikva. I know somebody who is very interested in Pilegesh and told me about a person who paid for an expert in constructing kosher Mikvas, even for ladies, and built such a Mikva. Now men use that Mikva during the day and women at night. Of course, there have to be men on duty by day and women on duty by night. But if the owner of the facility is willing to cooperate, it can be done.

Another solution is to find somewhere a place to build a Mikva, perhaps one for ladies. If the proper expert can be found, and be told that it is for ladies, who require a much more professional Mikva than the one for men, and he agrees to keep it kosher for ladies, we have achieved something. At any rate, there are always things that crop up and the Rov who helps out the Pilegesh people in his area has to be ahead of the game, but it can be done.

The Practical Rules of a Pilegesh

What do we mean by The Practical Rules of a Pilegesh? What it means to me is as follows: There are from the senior rabbis of the generations various teachings about being a Pilegesh. I personally would not want to utilize some of their ideas. I want a Pilegesh family to act like a very conservative family that will try to avoid anything that could somehow be construed as too liberal for people making a family.

Originally, I thought that a person who chooses Pilegesh must tell me that they are not confident that they could keep the laws of Kiddushin, which means essentially to give up one’s hopes for a normal marriage if the marriage sours and the husband won’t give a GET willingly. But if there is any doubt in the person if they would last a lifetime with no happiness in the marriage, then I would accept them as Pilegesh. And furthermore, if the person would tell me that if they take Kiddushin they feel they could give up their lives, but they nonetheless fear that maybe, if certain rabbis tell them to force a GET maybe they will listen and make a GET that is invalid and maybe make mamzerim, if they fear this, I would also give them Pilegesh. That is how I once thought. But today, when I see the great decline in the rabbis and how they encourage things that are plainly forbidden by the Torah, I see that encouraging Pilegesh must be done even if for somebody who won’t fear Kiddushin. Why? Because I fear it. And daily, things get worse out there with the rabbis. Very recently a prominent Rov called me from a far-off country about people in his area are marrying women without a GET. The same thing was publicized in the name of a very senior rabbi in a European country. It just keeps getting worse, HaShem Yerachem. So I feel that marrying with Pilegesh takes off a lot of fear and makes a lot of sense.

Anyone who wants to marry with Pilegesh would have to be trained in the laws of Pilegesh and how to behave properly. They must know the difficulties, such as what happens if the local Mikva doesn’t want to permit a Pilegesh to come there. I am not sure it won’t happen. At any rate, we must anticipate all of the potential problems and hopefully find solutions for them, before they marry as Pilegesh.

Ideally, if I was accepting people to become Pilegesh, I would prefer that several people, let us say me and two others who understand people, and the three of us would talk to the people involved and make sure that they are emotionally and mentally ready for Pilegesh. We would also have to find people who can do the detective work necessary to find out whatever we have to find out about the couple involved. Were they married before with Kiddushin? Did they have a kosher GET? Did they have a relationship with a Jewish person in a neighborhood where some Orthodox Jews lived and noticed this so that people may assume that this constitutes a real Kiddushin marriage? And we would want to establish classes for them in laws of Nida, kashruse, Shabbos, etc. Marrying with Pilegesh or something else doesn’t exempt a person from keeping the Torah.

Making classes and having a Mikva could run into money, and when the first few people become Pilegesh in a community it may not be practical to have to spend a lot of money. We can, however, only do what we can. And if we can find some people who realize the crucial need for Pilegesh, we may succeed. The difference between Pilegesh and Kiddushin is the difference between mamzerim and kosher Jews. Isn’t that worth something?

[1] Yevomose 62b
[2] Devorim 24:5 – Rashi, Targum Unkeluse, Zohar דברים רעז:2
[3] Rashi and the Zohar are as stated before to make the wife rejoice, not himself. Rashi notes that ViSeemach [Seemach with a chirik] ess eeshto is translated “and he will make his wife rejoice” not himself. However, if the phrase would be “and he will rejoice with his wife” it should say, “Visomach [somach with a komets] ess eeshto” meaning, he will rejoice with his wife meaning both together. The problem is that the Targum Yonoson translates, “and he will rejoice with his wife.”  The gemora in Succa 28A says that Hillel had eighty students and that the greatest student was Yonasan ben Uziel and the most minor of the students was Yochanan ben Zackai.  Yochanan mastered the Torah as mentioned there, but Yonasan was greater. When he taught Torah, a bird that flew over him was burned by the fire of his learning. See Tosfose there. Perhaps we can refer to the gemora above that one should love his wife like himself and honor her more than himself. Perhaps if we refer to one’s love for his wife it should be equal, but he honors her more than himself. Thus when referring to love it is equal as he loves her as he loves himself. But when it comes to honor, he honors her above himself. Rashi thus can be talking about honoring the wife where he honors her more than himself. But Yonasan is talking about love, that they love equally.

Monday, November 5, 2018

A Flock of Mamzerim from Invalid Gittin see book Mishpitei Yisroel from Gedolim in Israel and America

A Mamzer or Doubtful Mamzer, Who to Marry
The Book Mishpitei Yisroel describes the teachings of the greatest rabbis of Israel and America in divorce. Forcing a husband to give his wife a GET is generally forbidden, and even causes the woman who remarries without a kosher GET, to produce a child from the second husband who is a mamzer.
Because today few even rabbis are experts in laws of marriage and divorce, many of them, even senior ones, encourage women to force the husband to divorce. These women remarry and have children from the second husband who are born mamzerim. But that is not the whole tragedy. A mamzer may marry a mamzeres. But a doubtful mamzer may not marry a mamzeres, nor may he marry a regular Jewish woman. [1]
See also Shulchan Aruch Even Hoezer 4:20 and the poskim there how a mamzer can marry to have kosher children. There is a question if today such a thing is permitted, which is not our topic here.

[1] Shulchan Aruch Even Hoezer 4:24. See also Baare Haytiv there 4:24 if a shifcho or eved is permitted to marry a mamzer or a doubtful mamzer and the fate of the children of such a marriage.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Teachings on Chumash Beraishis in Hebrew by Dovid Eidensohn


 דוד אליהו אידנסון

פסוק א' - בראשית  ברא אלקים את השמים ואת הארץ ע"כ

לא אמר ”בתחלה ברא אלקים” אלא ”בראשית”. והנה בראשית אינו בראשונה אלא בראשית הוא בתחלת כך ופה אין שום מלה של "כך".
 וי"ל שהענין הוא מה שמביא מורי ורבי בעולם הזה ולעתיד, הגאון רבי שמואול טולדנו זצ"ל, שכתב כמה ספרים בקבלה וקיבל מן גאון המקובלים שהספרים שכתב היו ברוח הקודש.   והנה ראשית ספר אחד שכתב שהוא להביא לפני הקורא כמה ענינים שיבינו בקבלה, שראשית הכל להבין השם שהוא אי אפשר. שהרי הקב"ה ברא העולם הזה עבור אנשים שיש להם צד הטוב וצד הרע וגם הצד הטוב שלהם הוא בצימצום השגות של בשר ודם ששכיח שכחה והרבה הטעותים לבשר ודם, ומזה גורם לחשש גדול על כל הענין של בשר ודם בחסרונות כזה איך יבא להתפלל להשם וכי השם הוא מכיר וכי השם שייך בכלל לבשר ודם להבינו?
שהלא הקב"ה ברא העולם הזה לבשר ודם ולבעלי צד הטוב והצד הרע. וקבע מקום בעולם הזה לאנשים. ובתוך המסגרת של העולם הזה צריך האדם לעסוק הרבה שיטהר מחשבתו להבין מהו אמת ומהו שקר. וכל השגה של העולם הזה הוא מלחמה גדולה לבשר ודם בעל הצימצום. עד כדי כך שהמקבולים אומרים שהקב"ה ברא העולם הזה ורצה ליטע בעולם הזה איזה ספירות או עולמות שיש בהם איזה קשר לעולם של קדושה ששם המלאכים והשם בראשם. האמנם כלל יש באלה העשרה ספירות והוא שהראשון של מעלה הוא מה שנקרא כתר והשני מה שנקרא חכמה שעומד למטה מן הכתר. וכן כל הי' ספירות מכתר עד הסוף שהוא המלכות כולם יש להם איזה קשר עם העולם העליון. והכלל בכל זה שהספירה הראשונה שהוא כתר אסור לחשוב עליו כל שהוא אפילו לחשוב שהוא במציאות אסור והוא פלא להבין זה. אלא שאין המחשבה לומר שהכתר קיים שייך שנדע מהו כתר. שהקיום של הכתר הוא משורש עליון ולא ניתן לבשר ודם להבינו.
ועל אחת כמה וכמה אי אפשר לבשר ודם להבין מהוא השם! ואם כן יוקשה מיד שאם להבין בכתר שהוא נעשה לצורך התחתונים בעולם הזה לא אפשר להשיג שיש לו מציאות; מה נאמר ומה נדבר על השם! ואיך יבא האדם מישראל להתפלל להשם כמה פעמים בכל יום וכי מבין הוא השם שודאי השם הוא רחוק יותר מן האדם ממה שהאדם רחוק מן הכתר!
ועל זה מביא מור ורבי זצ"ל דברי גדולי המקובלים לפרש שהקב"ה ברא העולם הזה לצורך אנשים בעלי קצבה עם החסרונות שלא מבינים הרבה בעולם הזה. ובכל זאת עשה הקב"ה רפואה לצער הזה שעשה כוחות בעולם הזה שבהם יכול האדם להתפלל להשם ולאהוב השם ולירא מהשם וכו'. ויש לכוחות אלה שמות כמו שיש עשר ספירות ויש בכולם איזה שייכות לעולם העליון ולאור השכינה הקדושה, כן הוא השייכות של האדם בעולם הזה עם השם, שהקב"ה ברא האדם באהבה, ובפרט בכלל ישראל הקב"ה אוהבם מאוד ומקבל תשובה שלהם וסולח להם.

ברא אלקים -  הענין של ברא אלקים; שהשם אלקים הוא מורה על מדת הדין. ואחר כך בספר בראשית רואים שחוץ מן הברא אלקים פה בפסוק ראשונה של בראשית, יש עוד אחרי איזה פסוקים בשני של בראשית פסוק בענין הוי' אלקים שהוא הוי' שם השם של חסד ורחמים עם אלקים שם השם למדת הדין. הרי שבתחלה היה בראשית ברא אלקים מדת הדין. ראה הקב"ה שאם העולם הוא רק לצורך מדת הדין וכל אדם שיחטא יענש ואפשר שימות; שינה הקב"ה ועשה שותפות עם חסד ורחמים מצד אחד ודין מצד השני.  ובזה התקיים העולם.

ויש בזה ג' דרגות בענין מדת הדין ומדת הרחמים. יש מי שאפשר לו לסבול מדת הדין והוא בעל מדת הדין, הגם שיש בזה צד דין ועונש אם יחטא, בכל זאת אם אפשר לו לסבול העונשים של מדת הדין ומתגבר מאוד לקיים התורה, אפשר שיזה בהרבה טובה בעולם הבא אלא שבעולם הזה יש עונש לחטא שעשה.
לפני איזה דורות היה הגאון הצדיק רבי מרדכי פרגמינסקי זצ"ל שבסוף ימיו סובל הרבה יסורים והיה בבית חולים בשווייץ ומת שם. ובסוף של הכוחות שלו שהגיע זמנו ליכנס לעולם שכולו טוב ראה אחד שהוא ממלל איזה דברים ונכנס אצלו לשמוע מה שהוא מדבר. ושמע שהתפלל להקב"ה שהנה הוא סובל הרבה יסורים קשים מן המחלה ובכל זאת מבקש מן הקב"ה שאם יש לו עוד חטא שעדיין לא טיהרו ממנו שרוצה עוד יסורים ובלבד שיבא לעולם הבא נקי וטהור.
אחרי שנפטר הצדיק הביאו לארץ ישראל ונקבר כמדומה בבבני ברק. ואומרים שהחזון איש בכה עליו שעה שלימה שם.  והנה המספרים על אותו צדיק מדברים על היסורים שלו, ועל הבכיה של החזון איש. אבל האם לדבר גם כן על מה שמגיע לו בעולם העליון?
ועלינו לדעת שכשם שדיברנו לעיל שהקב"ה ברא האדם בעולם הזה מלא חסרונות ויש לכל אחד יצר הרע ר"ל. ויודעים שכל אחד כמעט כל אדם שנולד אינו יוצא נקי לגמרי מחטא. ובכל זאת הקב"ה ברא מציאותים בעולם הזה שעל ידם יכיר האדם שיש עולם העליון ואין שם החסרונות שיש בעולם הזה. ואלה הצדיקים כגון צדיק רבי מרדכי פרגמינסי זצ"ל ראו לתקן עצמם מכל חטא קודם שיבאו לשם; וכאשר הם שם מי הוא זה  ואיזה הוא שיכול להשיג כלום מן השמחה והשלימות שמשיגים. אדם שטיהר עצמו מתוך יסורים קשים מאוד שלא יבא לעולם הבא עם חטא? איזה עולם הבא יש לו!
ודיברנו לעיל שיש ג' דרגות במדת הדין ומדת הרחמים. האחד הוא הצדיק שטיהר עצמו בעולם הזה ונכנס לגם עדן נקי אשרי חלקו. ובכלל זה האדם שאינו צדיק כמו הרבי מרדכי זצ"ל לטהר עצמו מכל חטא. ואפשר שטיהר הרבה ואפשר שעשה כמה פעם תשובה והתפלל בכל יום סלח לנו ועוד תפלות. וכל אחד יזכה למה שיזכה מן הטוב אשרי חלקו שקבע עצמו בעולם הזה לבא לעולם העליון.
מדה הב' הוא מי שלא טיהר עצמו לזכות למעלה בשלימות או קרוב לשלימות, ובכל זאת כפי המציאות שלו נעשה עובד כפי הכוח שלו. אפשר שיש לו חלק בעולם הזה כפי הכח שלו. לעבוד השם באהבה ויראה ולשוב על חטאיו. הוא החלק הב' בספר בראשית הנ"ל בשני לקריאת התורה: אלה תולדות השמים והארץ בהבראם ביום עשות השם אלקים ארץ ושמים ע"כ
רואים מזה שסוף הפסוק הוא ביום עשות השם אלקים ארץ ושמים. הרי שהקדים הפסוק ארץ לשמים. שעכשיו מדברים על אדם שהכח שלו הוא למטה בעולם הזה ולא שייך לטהר עצמו בעבודה גדולה כדרך מי שקיבל על עצמו דין גמור. שלכן הקדים הפסוק ארץ לשמים; הקדים העולם הזה עם כל ניסיונות והרע וכו' ואחרי כן השמים. אבל הפסוק הראשון היה בראשית ברא אלקים את השמים ואת הארץ. השמים קודם להארץ שתכלית הצדיק לטהר עצמו שיבא כראוי לעולם הבא. ובכל זאת יש אנשים שאי אפשר להם בכך והם עושים כפי כוחם שהם לא שייכים לכל זאת אלא מקבלים חלק השני שהוא לצורך הארץ והשמים קודם הארץ לשמים למי שצריך הרבה חסד ורחמים.
והנה בחלק הראשון יש עוד בחינה כמו שמצאנו במרדכי הצדיק שהרגיש בהמן אחרי שנעשה שני למלך פרס וכל היהודים הצטערו מזה שאחד מהם בפרט רב גדול שירגיז להשונא יהודים המון מעמלק. ומרדכי לא הקפיד אלא עשה מה שעשה; ולבסוף זכה מרדכי הצדיק לזלקל בהמן בתכלית. שהמלך גזר על המן להוליך למרדכי על הסוס של המלכות לכבד למרדכי בפני כל העולם. ולבסוף המלך הרג להמן. וצוה לתלות גופו המת על העץ שהכין המן למרדכי בחצר של המן. ונעשה מרדכי במקומו שר להמלך. וכל הגוים היו פוחדים ממרדכי, שהיה מאוד איש מצליח .וגרם הרבה טובות להמדינה של פרס ולהמלך ובודאי שעשה טובות גדולות ליהודים.
ואיך זה שלא פחד מרדכי הצדיק מהמן? מפני שמי שהוא צדיק גמור כמו מרדכי הצדיק לא פוחד מכלום. והשם שומרו.
הרי יש ג' דרגות האחד צדיק גדול שמתקל חטאיו ודבוק בהשם עוד יש אדם סתם שצריך למדת החסד ו הרחמים שאינו שייך כל כך לטהר עצמו לגמרי. ויש דרגה הג' שהוא מרדכי הצדיק וכדומים אליו, שלא פוחדים כלל, אלא עושים מלחמה עם עמלק ועם המן ומנצחים בנסים גדולים.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Briam Camenker is Gaining International Support to Fight Hate against Moral People


MassResistance activists fighting to win transgender "bathroom bill" referendum in Massachusetts

On statewide ballot in Nov. 6 general election. Opportunity to overturn horrible law signed by GOP Governor in 2016.

US Dept of State pushing radical LGBT agenda around the world

Secretary of State Pompeo leading the charge. Is it too late to hope the State Department swamp will be drained of sexual radicalism?


MassResistance website taken down by web hosting company after "complaints" by homosexual activist

Two other pro-family sites also taken down --and others threatened. This is the next wave of anti-conservative assault: Get ready for it!


Save our Churches - Episode 5 - Ten more stories on the "culture war" within Christianity

For Episode 5 we continue our look into the breadth and depth of left-wing (and LGBT) subversion in all the major American churches, with a few spots of good news here and there. Your host: Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez.

COMMENTARY: Beyond libel: How the SPLC uses lies, distortions, and disinformation as a political weapon

If there's any barometer that MassResistance is gaining influence, it's the fact that the extremist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) - the centerpiece of left-wing hate in America - is expanding its attacks on us.

Big victory in Colorado over pornography in schools

Colorado MassResistance parents force public school system to stop offering access to pornographic databases - after two-year fight! Threat of lawsuit - organized by MR Chapter - forced school system to surrender.

MassResistance's protests in Chile cause delay of transgender bill in Parliament!

Chile MassResistance rally fills the street outside Parliament building. LGBT lobby is livid. Bill can still be stopped. The fight continues!

HUGE VICTORY: California MassResistance STOPS horrible anti-family bill AB 2943 in Legislature.

Was considered "impossible" to stop. But bill's sponsor concedes on the last day of the session, after a flood of pressure on legislators from across the state.

Pastor Scott Lively is upending the Massachusetts Governor's race against RINO anti-family incumbent!

GOP primary election this Tuesday, Sept. 4. Gov. Charlie Baker is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to beat Lively.

Episode 4 in our hard-hitting series: “Save our Churches” featuring Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez

Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez relates more stories from the battlefield of the ongoing culture-war attacks on conservative Christian churches. With a special interview with Rev. Tom Littleton.

Episode 3 in our hard-hitting series: 'Save our Churches' featuring Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez

More Top Ten Stories of the the ongoing left-wing and LGBT attack on conservative Christian churches - including subversion from within!

Chile MassResistance activists take to the streets in Santiago to protest depraved transgender bill targeting children

Vote in Parliament is this Tuesday Sept. 4. Nationwide outrage as citizens become informed!

MassResistance TV - Episode 2 of 'Save our Churches' with Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez

Across denominations and around the world, the infiltration of churches from the LGBT lobby and other leftist groups continues.

Leading the California fight to stop outrageous counseling ban in State Legislature!

As the session deadline nears, we've been taking it directly to the legislators!

Our newest chapter in Chile - fighting to stop youth transgender bill

The LGBT movement is pushing hard in South America. Bill would allow "sex change" for 14-year-olds without consent of parents. And under 14 years old with at just one parent!

MassResistance fighting 'gay marriage' in Costa Rica - now being forced by country's Supreme Court

The worldwide LGBT lobby is a step closer to forcing this on the people of Costa Rica. But MassResistance activists there are fighting back!

Introducing Mass­Resistance TV - another front in the culture war!

Our first hard-hitting series: "Save our Churches" featuring Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez. The infiltration of the major denominations needs to be confronted!

MassResistance-UK has some fun at the London “Gay Pride” Parade

But also quite serious. This year, some MassResistance-UK activists decided to put things in perspective with an "alternative opinion" of their own!

MassResistance defeats LGBT onslaught in California fight!

MassResistance leads effort to stop removal of Dixon, CA vice-mayor for suggesting "straight pride" event. The LGBT machine went after him, but we came to his rescue!

Recent MassResistance Posts

MassResistance marks 25 years of activism!

We’ve made a big difference already. Here is some of what we've done. And we’re stepping up the fight even more!

MassResistance activists stop LGBT anti-therapy bill in Massachusetts Legislature!

Two weeks of hard, uncompromising pressure on State Senate paid off. Despite cave-in by "pro-family" state Senators and corruption by Senate leadership.

The Destruction of the Boston St. Patrick's Day Parade

The forced transformation of the parade from a celebration of Irish Catholic heritage to an LGBTQ event should be a warning to those who are unwilling to take a stand.

MassResistance Texas activists fighting the LGBT infiltration in the Southern Baptist denomination

Is this the future of the Southern Baptist denomination? Compromising church leaders are now being exposed.

It's time to strongly oppose the transgender movement

Targeting young children: Bizarre transgender "story time" sessions are actually being held at public libraries across America.

At Texas State GOP Convention: MassResistance-Texas leads charge to pass 12 strong items in party platform!

Includes items on homosexuality, counseling and therapy for LGBT issues, Planned Parenthood, gender identity, sex-ed, traditional marriage, and more!

Canadian activist Bill Whatcott endures abuse in jail for pro-family stand

Denied food for 24 hours. Deprived of needed medicine. Later fired from job after LGBT pressure. And more. All for simply passing out flyers at "gay pride" parade! See interview.

MassResistance-UK activist confronts the limits on freedom of speech in Britain!

LGBT agenda in the schools becoming a forbidden subject for discussion. Banned from a "free speech" conference for inquiring about the wrong topics!

Georgia MR activist ready for court - facing phony charges for protesting LGBT agenda

Outrageous: Turned down by every "pro-family" legal group we contacted - so we've hired a lawyer for her!

Read more