Profile Rabbi Dovid E. Eidensohn

Sunday, January 27, 2019

The End of the Agudah who Love Gays and the beginning of the New Agudah

A New Agudah

By Rabbi Dovid Eidensohn

What is wrong with the old Agudah? Well, the Agudah of the Chofetz Chaim was fine of course. And Mike Tress was everybody’s tsadik. And Rabbi Sherrer worked closely with Reb Yaacov Kaminetsky. The problem is today. What is the problem today?

Actually, the problem began in 1996. Senior rabbis of Kashuv in Monsey instructed me to run for County Executive on the condition that I lose, to attack gays. I told them that to run for County Executive with no backing was ridiculous, but if they give me a blessing, I will do it. I got my blessing, and after the first debate, the prominent lohud paper the Journal News serving many communities in New York featured me prominently on the front page June 26, 1993.

The front page featured a picture of me under the blaring head-line “Rabbi Attacks ‘the gay lobby’” and then a bit further down calls them ‘an army of hate.’” As the debates continued I backed the Republican and attacked the Democrat. The Democrat finally turned to me and asked, “Why do you always attack me?” I went over to him and gave him a kiss. People went wild. The newspaper wrote, “Eidensohn stole the show.” For many weeks after this the paper called me regularly about various issues. I even suggested a solution for a serious traffic problem. To this day people remind me about it.

About this time, I contacted two major Rosh Yeshivas leaders of the Agudah and asked them to help me battle gays. They both replied with the same words: “It is forbidden to fight gays. We are against hate.” Now, I am an old fashioned Jew who studied under European gedolei hador Rabbis Aharon Kotler, Moshe Feinstein, Yaacov Kaminetsky and Fishel Hershkowitz. I don’t know the Torah that they knew which is the entire Torah in depth, but I do know that the posuk in Vayikro 18 and 20 clearly writes that one who engages in homosexuality must be killed. It also says “those who hate Hashem we must hate.” So much for the “sin” of hating gays.

 It is a mitsvah to hate those who love gays, even more than to hate the gays themselves. A gay may have an excuse if he can’t help himself. But the Agudah Rosh Yeshivas who are happily married. They can’t control themselves from violating the Torah and HaShem like apikorsim to pronounce that the teaching of HaShem is not only wrong but a hate crime?

Let us bring things  up to date.

It is time that a person such as myself who from before Bar Mitsvah was studying regularly in Washington, DC with the rabbinical Brisker Yeshiva rabbis for three years and then in Baltimore under the major disciple of Reb Baruch Ber, Rav Yaacov Bobrowsky, one of the two top rebbes of his time in America, and then at the age of seventeen in Lakewood Yeshiva studying under Reb Aharon Kotler. Later I studied under Gedolim Reb Moshe Feinstein, Reb Yaacov Kaminetsky and Reb Yosef Shalom Elyashev all of them zt”l. Such a person has an obligation to work for an organization of Torah Jews who don’t believe that the key thing to a Yeshiva is raising money no matter what. But a Torah Jew’s obligation is to follow exactly, word for word, what HaShem taught to Moshe at Sinai, and what the great rabbis who followed the way of Moshe through the generations followed the exact laws of the Torah and did not back gays and such horrors.

Here is an article in the paper about the latest horror directly traced to the Agudah.

A Chicago rabbi has been appointed to the 16th state House District of Illinois. Following today’s selection of Rabbi Yehiel Kalish to fill a vacant seat in the Illinois House of Representatives, Agudath Israel issued the following statement:

Agudath Israel of America congratulates Rabbi Yehiel Kalish, a longtime employee and current member of its board of trustees, on his appointment to the Illinois House of Representatives. During his tenure at the Agudah, first as Midwest Regional Director and eventually as the Vice President for Development and State Relations….. We offer him our most sincere wishes and heartfelt prayers for success.

And as an Orthodox rabbi, his appointment has some political observers wondering whether Kalish will be as supportive of progressive issues as Lang, such as a minimum wage increase and strengthening the rights of women and LGBQT communities. “Rest assured” Kalish told POLITICO, “During my conversation with Lou Lang, I said, ‘The voters of the 16th District won’t notice a difference in my voting record compared to yours.’” That means: “Yes,” he’s pro-choice. “Yes,” he supports gay marriage. And “yes,” he supports a $15 minimum wage—and wants to “make sure Medicaid providers have what they need for quality care” in nursing homes, too.

Lang assures that Kalish is a good fit for the district. “I would never have appointed someone who did not share my values,” he told POLITICO. “He (Kalish) is an ardent supporter of the same issues I have been working on for 32 years. End of  newspaper article. I continue: 

We  declare the Agudah is no longer the Agudah of the Chofetz Chaim who would never have tolerated this for a second. Anyone who openly defies a passage in the Torah in two places Vayikro 18 and 20 that a homosexual must be killed is an apikoress.

Somebody suggested that I conclude this article “Agudas Israel comes out of the closest.” But that is not true. They have been out of the closet since 1993 which was 29 years ago. Now it is official. The Agudah is a closet of apikorsim and nobody may belong to it. I listed before two senior Rosh Yeshivas who told me “It is forbidden to fight gays because that is an act of hate.” And now we have a prominent rabbi who is a long-time member of Agudah and a major speaker in their organization, who becomes an Assemblyman despite the fact that he doesn’t need the money but the kovode, and declares that he is pro-gay. Anybody who calls him a rabbi is either Reform or an apikores. If he would become a gay that would be an improvement.

The Sin of Using HaShem's Name in Vain, a Very Serious Sin

The Third of the Ten Commandments – From Yisro

Dovid Eidensohn

The third of the Ten Commandments is the sin of swearing falsely in the Name of HaShem. The Targum Unkelus explains the double passage as describing two sins. One is when a Jew swears in the Name of HaShem a wasted oath, and one when he says a direct lie. Rashi explains that if one swears in HaShem’s Name that a tree is a tree that is a wasted oath. But if he swears that a tree is a person, that is a false oath. Missing here is the fact that both terms are the same Hebrew oath that was SHOV or worthless. But the double use of this term in a Torah that doesn’t waste words indicates that we discuss two distinct types of oath. One is a wasted oath and the other a lie.

The Kli Yoker has long and intense studies in the Ten Commands, and perhaps the most frightening of his teachings is on this command. Because he states that one who uses the Holy Name of HaShem, Names that are common to Jews, and that appear frequently in the Torah and Holy Works, for a wasted oath or a lie, has done a sin unlike any others. This is an incredible statement.

He roots this statement in the exact terminology of HaShem speaking. “Do not lift up the Name of HaShem for nothing.” “Life up” is like a tree filled with branches. When somebody lifts the entire tree all of its branches and parts come with it. Thus, when somebody does this sin, all people must suffer. And since HaShem only forgives people who sin to Him but not to people who sin to other people, HaShem does not forgive violation of this sin at all. The sin is therefore the most terrible sin in the Ten Commandments, because many people always use phrases to express whatever they want, and these phrases are the Holy Names of HaShem as stated clearly in the Torah and Prophets. Who will then forgive them if HaShem does not forgive one who casts problems on people when all people suffer when someboody utters these false or unnecessary oaths using HaShem’s common Names? Thus, we know that using our mouth is very dangerous if we swear wrongly with HaShem’s Name or speak Loshon Hora. Do we care?

Hope for Cure for Alzheimers? From BBC Science

Alzheimers and Hope


David Eidensohn

·         Alzheimer one of the great killers in the world, is at this point without a cure. But is there hope? Here is a news article with a finding from the BBC of Britain: Home News Health 15.3K  DAILY NEWS  24 January 2019

We may finally know what causes Alzheimer’s – and how to stop it

P. gingivalis may be the main culprit in Alzheimer’s disease


By Debora MacKenzie of BBC News Channel

If you bled when you brushed your teeth this morning, you might want to get that seen to. We may finally have found the long-elusive cause of Alzheimer’s disease: Porphyromonas gingivalis, the key bacteria in chronic gum disease.

That’s bad, as gum disease affects around a third of all people. But the good news is that a drug that blocks the main toxins of P. gingivalis is entering major clinical trials this year, and research published today shows it might stop and even reverse Alzheimer’s. There could even be a vaccine.

Alzheimer’s is one of the biggest mysteries in medicine. As populations have aged, dementia has skyrocketed to become the fifth biggest cause of death worldwide. Alzheimer’s constitutes some 70 per cent of these cases and yet, we don’t know what causes it.

Bacteria in the brain

The disease often involves the accumulation of proteins called amyloid and tau in the brain, and the leading hypothesis has been that the disease arises from defective control of these two proteins.

But research in recent years has revealed that people can have amyloid plaques without having dementia. So many efforts to treat Alzheimer’s by moderating these proteins have failed that the hypothesis has been seriously questioned.

However evidence has been growing that the function of amyloid proteins may be as a defence against bacteria, leading to a spate of recent studies looking at bacteria in Alzheimer’s, particularly those that cause gum disease, which is known to be a major risk factor for the condition.

Bacteria involved in gum disease and other illnesses have been found after death in the brains of people who had Alzheimer’s, but until now, it hasn’t been clear whether these bacteria caused the disease or simply got in via brain damage caused by the condition.

Gum disease link

Multiple research teams have been investigating P. gingivalis, and have so far found that it invades and inflames brain regions affected by Alzheimer’s; that gum infections can worsen symptoms in mice genetically engineered to have Alzheimer’s; and that it can cause Alzheimer’s-like brain inflammation, neural damage, and amyloid plaques in healthy mice.

“When science converges from multiple independent laboratories like this, it is very compelling,” says Casey Lynch of Cortexyme, a pharmaceutical firm in San Francisco, California.

In the new study, Cortexyme have now reported finding the toxic enzymes – called gingipains – that P. gingivalis uses to feed on human tissue in 96 per cent of the 54 Alzheimer’s brain samples they looked at, and found the bacteria themselves in all three Alzheimer’s brains whose DNA they examined.

“This is the first report showing P. gingivalis DNA in human brains, and the associated gingipains, co-lococalising with plaques,” says Sim Singhrao, of the University of Central Lancashire, UK. Her team previously found that P. gingivalis actively invades the brains of mice with gum infections. She adds that the new study is also the first to show that gingipains slice up tau protein in ways that could allow it to kill neurons, causing dementia.

The bacteria and its enzymes were found at higher levels in those who had experienced worse cognitive decline, and had more amyloid and tau accumulations. The team also found the bacteria in the spinal fluid of living people with Alzheimer’s, suggesting that this technique may provide a long-sought after method of diagnosing the disease.

When the team gave P. gingivalis gum disease to mice, it led to brain infection, amyloid production, tangles of tau protein, and neural damage in the regions and nerves normally affected by Alzheimer’s.

Cortexyme had previously developed molecules that block gingipains. Giving some of these to mice reduced their infections, halted amyloid production, lowered brain inflammation and even rescued damaged neurons.

The team found that an antibiotic that killed P. gingivalis did this too, but less effectively, and the bacteria rapidly developed resistance. They did not resist the gingipain blockers. “This provides hope of treating or preventing Alzheimer’s disease one day,” says Singhrao.

New treatment hope

Some brain samples from people without Alzheimer’s also had P. gingivalis and protein accumulations, but at lower levels. We already know that amyloid and tau can accumulate in the brain for 10 to 20 years before Alzheimer’s symptoms begin. This, say the researchers, shows P. gingivalis could be a cause of Alzheimer’s, but it is not a result.

Gum disease is far more common than Alzheimer’s. But “Alzheimer’s strikes people who accumulate gingipains and damage in the brain fast enough to develop symptoms during their lifetimes,” says Lynch. “We believe this is a universal hypothesis of pathogenesis.”

Cortexyme reported in October that the best of their gingipain blockers had passed initial safety tests in people, and entered the brain. It also seemed to improve participants with Alzheimer’s. Later this year the firm will launch a larger trial of the drug, looking for P. gingivalis in spinal fluid, and cognitive improvements, before and after.

They also plan to test it against gum disease itself. Efforts to fight that have led a team in Melbourne to develop a vaccine for P. gingivalis that started tests in 2018. A vaccine for gum disease would be welcome – but if it also stops Alzheimer’s the impact could be enormous.

Journal reference: Science Advances

Saturday, January 26, 2019

First of the Ten Commandments and Important Rule in Halocho

Parshas Yisro and the Ten Commandments2

Dovid Eidensohn

We have previously released a study of Yisro himself and two of the Ten Commandments mentioned in the Sedra. Now we want to return to the first of the Ten Commandments to study a very innovative finding of Rashi who is a master at dikduke and knows every word in the books of the Torah with all of the grammar. Rabbeinu Tam a descendant of Rashi said that he could compose a book on the Talmud as did Rashi, but not a book on the Torah.

Rashi there notes that the beginning of the first of the Ten Commands is אנכי השם אלקיך where the third word is written in the singular so that the three words say not “I am the L-d your (plural) G-d” but the singular “I am the L-d your (singular) G-d.” Meaning, that the Ten Commandments were given not to the Jewish people but to Moshe.

This of course agreed with the opinion mention in our previous piece from the Kli Yokor that the Jews heard the Ten Commandments from Moshe and not HaShem. It would also seem to be proven by the passage in Yisro[1] that the Jews at Sinai heard before the giving of the Ten Commandments terrible sounds or voices, saw lightning, heard the sound of a blowing Shofar and noticed that Mr. Sinai was smoking.

They told Moshe, “You speak to us not HaShem lest we die.” Nothing was mentioned about HaShem giving the Ten Commandments, which could indicate what Rashi says, that HaShem gave the Ten Commandments only to Moshe and not to the Jewish people.

Possibly, the voices that terrified them could have been HaShem saying the Ten Commandments. But since the Ten Commandments contain the entire Torah, and the Jews being terrified by other things, and being terrified by the way HaShem spoke to them something they had never experienced, they simply died with nothing of the Ten Commandments. They therefore turned to Moshe that he teach it to them, with his large group of assistant teachers as mentioned before in Yisro, who encouraged Moshe to hire them.

If so, we have another problem. If the Jews could not assimilate the Torah from HaShem’s speaking for the above reasons, but heard it from Moshe, was this hearing from Moshe equal to hearing it from HaShem? If not, if Jews hear the Torah from Moshe, is that invalid? Obviously, Torah is always taught by prophets such as Moshe and Yeshayeh. And their words are often not biblical words but words and commands that are not part of the 613 commands of the bible commanded by HaShem. But even if they are not individually Torah teachings of the 613 commands, they have the status of the Torah that we must follow their commands.

A proof to this is that when HaShem realized that the Jews had built a Golden Calf that was an idol and that some Jews were worshipping it, he told Moshe to leave heaven and go back to the Jews because there was trouble there. Moshe went, smashed the Tablets of the Ten Commandments HaShem had made and destroyed the Golden Calf. He then called up “Who is for HaShem come to me” and the tribe of Levi who only learned Torah in Egypt and did not sin gathered to him, with swords, to obey when Moshe commanded them to kill those who had worshipped the Golden Calf. Thousands of Jews were killed.

Moshe commanded this in the Name of HaShem, who had never said this. But when a senior Rov makes a ruling to protect the Jews from becoming wicked, this is a valid Torah procedure. This is taught in Rambam Morech Nevuchim and the Rashbo and was used by the Gaon Reb Elchonon Wasserman senior disciple of the Chofetz Chaim when he was in Baltimore raising money for his Yeshiva. He once received from somebody a large sum of money for his Yeshiva. The man explained that it was raised from a mixed dance of men and women. Reb Elchonon immediately returned the money and explained that the Rambam and Rasho ruled that when somebody or a group of Jews act in a matter that could lead Jews to sin we may kill them. The proof is from a group of Jews just after the time of Moshe who gathered to serve HaShem in a new kind of way that the senior rabbis felt was dangerous for the religious behavior of other Jews and threatened them with an army and they accepted not to do it. Surely to do a mitsvah with mixed dancing is a terrible sin, and many rabbis signed a letter forbidding  mixed dancing.

[1] Yisro 20:15-16

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Yisro and the Ten Commandments and the Kli Yokor



The Sedra of Yisro is noted for HaShem speaking to all of the Jews about basic Torah commands. These are two separate things. Yisro, the name of the Sedra, is the name of the father-in-law of Moshe. He was a pious person who was a senior advisor to Pharoh but renounced idols and fled away from Egypt. When Moshe himself had to flee from Pharoah, he went to around Mt. Sinai and eventually found himself near the house of Yisro. He saved the daughters of Yisro near a well as they came to water their sheep and the shepherds who hated Yisro for renouncing idols always tormented his daughters and their sheep. Now Moshe drove away the shepherds and watered the sheep. Yisro was impressed with this and had Moshe invited to the house, which he did, and eventually married the daughter of Yisro, Tsipor.

Yisro who renounced idols worshipped HaShem, but when he realized that Moshe considered Jews superior to Jews in the eyes of HaShem, he locked Moshe up without food to kill him. But Tsipor fed Moshe and finally had her father release Moshe from his jail. When Yisro realized the miracle of the Jews escaping from Egypt and the Egyptian army wiped out at the sea, and he heard of HaShem speaking the words of Torah to the Jews, he brought Moshe’s family to him near Mt. Sinai and brought sacrifices to HaShem. The event was a major event for everyone.

The Kli Yokor brings that the Ten Commandments listed in the Sedra is a machlokess. Some say that only the first two commandments were said by HaShem and heard by the Jews, and some say all ten of the Ten Commandments were heard by the Jews when HaShem spoke.

The Kli Yokor explains the first opinion that the first two commandments HaShem spoke “I am the L-d etc.” He speaks about Himself. The Second command is “You shall have no other deity than Me” again, speaking about Himself. But the latter eight commands are not about HaShem but about the basic mitsvah. “Don’t make an idol” and “Don’t utter HaShem’s Name in vein” is about people not doing it, not a direct statement of HaShem speaking. “Remember the Shabbos” is also about a mitsvah not about HaShem. “Honor your father and your mother” is again not HaShem speaking directly but about listing of a command. Also “Do not murder” and “do not commit adultery” and “do not steal” and “do not claim false testimony” and “do not covet that of another” is not  HaShem speaking directly but simply listing a command.

So the first opinion holds that the Jews heard only the first two commands. But the second opinion holds that the Jews heard the entire Ten Commands from HaShem and died, so it was necessary for Moshe not HaShem to recite the entire Ten commandments. Perhaps listening to HaShem and dying was so terrifying that the Jews couldn’t recall clearly what HaShem said. So HaShem spoke, Moshe heard it, and the Jews did not or heard it but could not store it properly because if they were terrorized by thunder and lightning and died, surely HaShem speaking would terrorize them. So Moshe had to repeat the Ten Commandments.

The first opinion holds that HaShem spoke to the Jews the first two Commands and they all died except Moshe so they asked him to say over the last eight commands. And the second command holds that they were terrorized by thunder and lightning and asked Moshe to speak instead of HaShem.

Perhaps Moshe said the whole Ten Commandments after the Jews complained about the thunder and lightning. But since the Jews detected a change in the first two commands as if Moshe was speaking the command in a way to frighten the Jews that this was a phrase indicating HaShem’s direct description f the command without Him saying anything. This realization frightened the Jews so Moshe had to repeat all of the Ten Commandments.

Note that the passage about begging HaShem to allow Moshe to give the Ten Commandments has nothing to do with the first two commands, but has to do with the terror the Jews had from the thunder and lightning. (See chapter 20 posuk 15) If so, it would seem that the terror came before HaShem spoke anything to the Jews. And if so, He never said a command to them.

And perhaps when HaShem spoke to the Jews He spoke only as loud as Moshe spoke, as we don’t find that the Jews were terrorized by HaShem speaking. But the experience of listening to HaShem speak so upset the Jews that they needed Moshe to repeat it. Some say he repeated the last eight commands only and some say that he said the whole thing. Because perhaps the hearing HaShem speak was also to ruin the ability to know the commands. Or perhaps as the passage above indicates, their fear was only from thunder and lightning, but from that they asked Moshe to save them from further fear by saving them from listening to HaShem speak at all. But some say that the fear was from only the first two commands, and some say the fear was HaShem speaking the entire amount of commands. But everyone holds that there was fear from thunder and lightning.

Thus we have  two opinions if HaShem spoke two commands or twelve commands. And we have opinions about what frightened the Jews about HaShem, HaShem speaking the first two commands to all Israel, or HaShem speaking all commands to Jews but since they were terrified by   thunder and lightning, they also become disoriented from listening to HaShem speak all ten commands.

Problems With Today's Agudath Yisroel

The Decline of the Generations: Today and  Agudas Yisroel

Dovid Eidensohn

The Mishneh in Sota 49 makes is clear that from the time of the Destruction of the Second Beis HaMikdash, decline from generation to generation was the order of things. The final terrible decline comes just prior to the coming of Moshiach. We want to discuss here that decline as it comes from the time of the Chofetz Chaim who founded Agudas Yisroel with other great rabbis such as Reb Chaim Brisker and great Hassidic rabbis. We will discuss that decline and bring it up to date to our own time, a time where it is quite difficult to find a kosher Beth Din in Israel or America, and where rabbis are known to make major mistakes.

Let us go back to the founding of Agudas Yisroel by the Chofetz Chaim, Reb Chaim Brisker and the Torah leader of the kosher community in Germany which was at that time a rarity but one respected by the Chofetz Chaim and great Gedolim. The first meeting of the Agudah was successful. But the second meeting was without Reb Chaim Brisker and his friend a prominent Chassidic rabbi. The reason given was that the Torah Jews in Germany, respected by the Chofetz Chaim, were nonetheless in a country so remote from Torah that certain perhaps unavoidable changes were made, and tolerated by Gedolei HaDor.

 As a matter of fact, the Gaon Reb Yisroel Salanter, perhaps the greatest saint and Gaon of his generation, left Orthodox Europe and went to Germany near Memel to teach Torah where he influenced many people, some of them quite wealthy who supported poor Jews in Israel, to become his disciples in learning musar. But when Reb Yisroel spoke in shul on Shabbos, he noted that out the window of the shull could be seen ships loading merchandise for the Jewish merchants. He explained that he left the old county because when the horses race down the mountain the driver cannot control them until they reach the bottom. Therefore, the decline in the old Europe could not be controlled, and he came to Germany and eventually France, to reach and influence people more readily.

Our modern age in America begins with the arrival here of Geonim Reb Aharon Kotler who worked with Reb Moshe Feinstein, Reb Yaacov Kaminetsky and other European Gedolim to bring Torah to a broken world. But these Gedolim had children and disciples who did things that were against the Torah. Today the problem is incredible and is producing a generation of mamzerim from forced Gittin. The Sefer Mishpitei Yisroel from the Gedolim of Israel and America describes the sin of using a GET from a Beth Din that is not controlled by the senior rabbis.

The sons of Reb Yaacov Kaminetsky and Reb Moshe Feinstein are described in my blog in the strongest condemnation and they are major Rosh Yeshivas. I recall years ago around 1993 that senior rabbis in America told me to run for the office of County Executive in Monsey on the condition that I would lose. This was a joke but with a blessing from these rabbis I entered the race and was written up on the front page of the major newspaper the Journal News, “Rabbi Attacks the Gay Lobby” in big black letters with my picture on top of page one of the paper.

At that time I asked two major Rosh Yeshivas associated with Agudas Yisroel to help me fight the gays. They both replied, “It is forbidden to fight gays. We are against hate.” What about Vayikro 18 and 20 that a gay who sins with a man is put to death?

In recent times things are even worse, much worse. A senior Rov who did much to build Torah in America and Agudas Yisroel was recently appointed Assemblyman to take the place of one who resigned. He then announced that he would honor all of the rulings of the old Assemblyman who was a strong liberal and supported gays. Today some people despise Agudas Yisroel. A far cry from the Chofetz Chaim.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A Very Painful Problem that can Tear Apart the Torah World

There is a new and troubling problem now in the Torah world. A well-known rabbi from a prominent Torah institution who has worked intensively to build Torah in America was suddenly catapulted by a State Assembly who resigned to replace him. But for whatever reason, the policies of the previous Assemblyman were to remain as the old Assembly made them. And he was it seems a strong liberal. If so, what should the many institutions and prominent Torah organization do about this? And should the well-known rabbi be forced to negate his acceptance of anti-Torah ideas?

The questions that bother me are two: One, what should the new Assemblyman do about his commitment to follow the old Assemblyman? And two, what about the prominent Torah institution and the many people helped by this new Assemblyman. Are they all to ignore the hideous decision for a prominent rabbi to promote gays?

Suffering and Darkness is Ultimately Followed by Messianic and Heavenly Light. We approach it today, slowly but steadily.

Darkness Before Light

David Eidensohn

The Talmud tells us that just before the Messianic Age terrible things will take over the world. Governments will be dominated by atheists, such as Cuomo and Hillary. Indeed, there is a long Mishneh and gemora that begins with the story of the Destruction of the Second Temple and goes up to the imminent arrival of the Moshiach. This was destroyed, this great rabbi died, the world sunk lower and lower and important people were ridiculed. But one central theme in all of this is one ray of light: “We have nobody to turn to except our Father in Heaven.” Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman, the senior disciple of the Chofetz Chaim, said that this is not a call to despair. Because if HaShem is watching us, there is surely hope. And we know that the end of Days and the Messianic Era will result in the entire world worshipping HaShem, with evil erased from the world.

HaShem made a world with a lot of evil, and a lot of darkness. But “from the darkness comes light.” The righteous suffer in this world, plenty, but HaShem is watching. In this world or the next, that watching results in pure kindness, for all eternity, along with the angels and the Holy One blessed be His Name.

The angels were upset when HaShem created people. Man was a sinner. A major angel confronted HaShem and complained about His creating people and a world filled with evil. HaShem asked what is so bad about men. The angel replied that they sin with women not their wives. HaShem replied, “The time will come when you will sin with many women.” He flung that angel into this world. The angel looked around and saw beautiful women. He began to sin.

Later on, Moshe at Sinai went to Heaven for forty days to study Torah with haShem. This resulted in HaShem speaking to the Jewish people and teaching them the beginning of the Ten Commandments. But the angels, who had contempt for human beings, complained to HaShem that a mortal man should not come to Heaven. In Heaven everyone was an eternal and holy person who never sins until HaShem directs them to do something wrong which does happen as there is an angel of evil and a few other such angels.

 HaShem told Moshe: “Answer them.” Moshe said, “HaShem has a Torah which is being revealed to the Jews and which was known to the great founders of the Jewish people Avrohom and his progeny. The Torah commands us to honor our parents. Do you have parents? The Torah commands us not to murder, not to eat non-kosher food, and many other commands for mortals who are human beings of flesh and flood and evil inclinations. Are you like that and are the commands of the Torah appropriate for angels live out eternity singing songs of praise to HaShem and occasionally venturing into the lower world to perform good deeds as Eliyohu the Prophet, the angels Michoel and Gavriel?” The angels accepted Moshe’s answer and befriended him. They realized how important it was for HaShem to create a world of darkness and sin, so that the ultimate pure light of HaShem could be light from darkness, which is much greater than light from light

The angels were greatly pained when the souls of the pious Jews who suffered with evil, sinned and repented, came to heaven, and were seated immediately before HaShem. The angels outside of this inner sanctum cried out bitterly. Light with no darkness is nothing to light from darkness. And only people have a world of darkness which produces HaShem’s greatest light, the light of the Schechinah, which is so close to HaShem. Angels are outside.

We are now in the final stages of the world before the Messianic Age. Many Jews even today live in Israel and devote their lives to serving HaShem and learning Torah in a world suffused by heavenly lights. But the evil force, even there, is active. When the pious struggle with evil, HaShem is watching. Closer and closer to Moshiach the light increases; the struggles of the pious are greater and greater, and many non-religious Jews become religious.

There are many studies now in the Israeli press about Orthodox and non-Orthodox Israelis. One asked the non-Orthodox what synagogue they pray at. Many answered: “The synagogue I don’t pray in is an Orthodox synagogue.” They never said, “Conservative or Reform”.

When the great Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashev zt”l passed away, a senior secular newspaper wrote that he was 102 years old when he died, and left 1,000 progeny. Why did a secular paper write this? Because the Orthodox have many children and the secular Jews, as the quip goes, have a child and a dog. The child goes to Japan and marries a gentile, and the dog doesn’t vote. The Orthodox have many children, and many of them do vote.

When I grew up the generals leading the Israeli army were basically atheists from Mapai and Mapam. They lived in small communities or Kibbutsim. Today these kibbutsim are no longer. The army is now the place for the deeply Orthodox who fight to preserve the Holy Land. This is permitted by the great rabbis of the past generations, as long as the government does not mix women with the men to entice them, which sometimes happens.

There are now four Orthodox women sitting in jail in Israel. Orthodox women are exempted from the army. But these four women were thought to be non-Orthodox, because they came from countries which were not known to have many Orthodox Jews. This resulted in massive strikes in Israel from the huge amount of Orthodox Israelis who let the government know that they will fight to protect the Torah. There was not long ago a public video of Israeli police riding with huge horses into a group of protesting Orthodox boys. One was run over by a huge horse but not badly wounded. But the war goes on, and the government is terrified. Does it want to put five thousand Orthodox Jews in jail? If it did, there would be huge fights in front of the Israeli embassy in New York. There is no hope for the secular control of Israel. A great light is shining more and more, advertising for everyone the arrival of Moshiach and the end of evil.

There was, this month of January, a huge program for Americans sponsored by the greatest scientists in the world, especially biologist Steven Mayer who is constantly on video programs debating with theist and atheist scientists. He and his fellow scientists quote   Einstein who was not religious, and Hubbel whose telescope convinced Einstein that the universe was not an accident but a designed thing. And Dr. Mayer and his many believing scientists are proving this with pure science time and again.

The light is shining, and it is so strong, that the greatest scientists of today are writing book after book proving that HaShem created and guides the universe day to day from the greatest galaxies to the tiniest section of all mortal life. And these books are being debated by people who have no good response.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Destroyers of Morality Governor Cuomo and Hillary Clinton

Why Did Governor Cuomo and Hillary Clinton Suddenly Attack Women and Fetuses?

David Eidensohn

The political mystery of today is how Governor Cuomo in his third term in office and Hillary Clinton, the former candidate for President of the United States, have united in unifying the Democratic Senate and Assembly to destroy the rights of women to protect their fetus.

But there is really no mystery. Both Governor Cuomo and Hillary Clinton want more than anything in the world to be President of the United States. They realized that the loss of Hillary to Trump was the triumph of people who believed in morality over the generation of the sixties.  The solution they devised was to destroy the biblical honor of women and their babies with hideous new laws that take away the right to punish with courts the destruction of a fetus.

You will surely ask how in the world I invented such a logic. I will reply, that I personally grew up in the sixties. In fact, I came to Lakewood Yeshiva to study under Rabbi Aharon Kotler when I was a tripling lad of seventeen. This was about the year 1960, two years before Reb Aharon died. For those two years I pestered him constantly with my Talmudic questions and answers, and finally I penetrated his screen of rejection and he answered my questions one at a time calmly and with an obvious enjoying of talking to me. But those in the secular colleges were going in a different direction.

I later studied under the Gaon Reb Moshe Feinstein, went through the same process of getting battered and hanging on, until the day came when I wrote a Torah sefer which contained the extremely warm endorsement of Geonei HaDor Reb Moshe Feinstein and Reb Yaacov Kaminetsky zt”l.  

Well, to get back to our discussion about Cuomo and Hillary, that is how I did things in the sixties. But other people who went to secular college were terrified because of the Viet Nam War, a war that was never really won by America, but America simply decided one day to get up and leave, and eventually, turn back to befriend Viet Nam. The college encouraged students to respond to how they were treated by violating morality. Timothy Leary of Harvard taught students to imbibe drugs that destroyed the brain so that they could “think new thoughts.”

The Clintons husband and wife grew up in that era. In fact, the immorality of the sixties remained in America until this day. And those who retain its memory are backing Cuomo and Hillary. Clinton in his second term was impeached for an affair with a White House intern but it was overturned by the Senate.

Bill Clinton became President of the US on Jan 20, 1993 and was President for two terms. Thus, he was a sixties person thirty years earlier. Hillary is now showing how terrible that period was in her effort to destroy biblical morality.

It is therefore our task today to arouse all biblical and moral people to restore the America that existed before the sixties destroyed the destroyers of women and babies, Cuomo and Hillary.

How do we do this? First of all, we must contact all organizations and religious groups of men and women who are moral and biblical and arouse them to go public with their demand for morality and get that into the newspapers. Secondly, there are thousands of deeply sensitive and biblical people who are doing nothing to fight Cuomo and Hillary. We must arouse them to go to Albany and even New York City with strong populations who will get into the newspapers opposing the destroyers of women and fetuses. Thirdly, we have to create large funding to pay for the buses, the radio shows, etc. that are necessary to defeat the goals of the destroyers of babies and women.

Today I began fund raising and it was successful. But I have two senior advisers and when I listen to them, I succeed. I was told to begin sending out fliers regularly and it worked very well in different countries. I was told not to raise the money myself but to organize others who can raise the very large sums needed to deprive Cuomo and Hillary of their president goals, and to convince those who back destroying women and babies that we won’t tolerate it.

There is a teaching in the Talmud that just prior to the arrival of Moshiach, a generation will arrive that will turn good into evil at many levels, including leaders of the generation denying HaShem. But the solution says the Talmud is to turn to HaShem, who guides the world with light and kindness. Let us get to work, and HaShem will shine His holy light on our efforts.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

please sign, and forward petition!


qqqq qqqq

Jan 19, 2019, 10:33 PM (13 hours ago)

please sign, and forward petition!


qqqq qqqq

Jan 19, 2019, 10:33 PM (13 hours ago)

great article on the evil of this bill (no matter one's position on abortion), forward if possible

In the quest to "liberate" women, pro-choice feminists in New York have rallied around the Reproductive Health Act. Many buzz phrases have circulated to describe the RHA's meaning, such as "Abortion is not a crime" and "Abortion is health care," but beyond these buzz words lie the RHA's real implications: It dehumanizes the disabled; healthy, viable humans in utero; children who are aborted but born alive; and pregnant victims of domestic violence.

By completely gutting abortion from New York's criminal law, the RHA removes the state's only prosecutorial tool for holding violent abusers accountable for the death of wanted unborn children. Studies show that domestic violence escalates during pregnancy. New York's version of a fetal homicide law lies within the abortion provisions of its penal law, which the RHA repeals.

If reproductive freedom and equality lie at the heart of the RHA, as pro-choice feminists claim, how could the bill's drafters have overlooked this injustice? How could any feminist strip away the right of a woman to prosecute a violent partner for killing her wanted fetus? Depriving women of the opportunity to punish violent partners for killing their wanted unborn children is anti-woman.

The RHA dehumanizes viable, healthy humans in utero — who could survive outside the womb — by enacting a broad rather than a narrow health exception to New York's current ban on third-trimester abortions.

The RHA dehumanizes the disabled by explicitly permitting the unimpeded destruction of unborn children incapable of surviving outside the womb during the third trimester of pregnancy.

The RHA dehumanizes yet another class of humans, namely infants born alive during abortions — which does occur, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The RHA fully repeals state Public Health Law 4164, which requires that after the 20th week of pregnancy, a separate doctor be present to provide life-saving treatment to children who survive abortions. The current law also affords them civil rights. Without PHL 4164, it is unclear what protections children who survive abortion would have.

From a pro-life feminist perspective, the RHA warps women's rights to bodily integrity and individual autonomy and undermines basic human rights. For a group of people such as women, who have long endured historic dehumanization, the RHA should be embarrassing.

Michele Sterlace-Accorsi is the executive director of Feminists Choosing Life of New York.

great article on the evil of this bill (no matter one's position on abortion), forward if possible

In the quest to "liberate" women, pro-choice feminists in New York have rallied around the Reproductive Health Act. Many buzz phrases have circulated to describe the RHA's meaning, such as "Abortion is not a crime" and "Abortion is health care," but beyond these buzz words lie the RHA's real implications: It dehumanizes the disabled; healthy, viable humans in utero; children who are aborted but born alive; and pregnant victims of domestic violence.

By completely gutting abortion from New York's criminal law, the RHA removes the state's only prosecutorial tool for holding violent abusers accountable for the death of wanted unborn children. Studies show that domestic violence escalates during pregnancy. New York's version of a fetal homicide law lies within the abortion provisions of its penal law, which the RHA repeals.

If reproductive freedom and equality lie at the heart of the RHA, as pro-choice feminists claim, how could the bill's drafters have overlooked this injustice? How could any feminist strip away the right of a woman to prosecute a violent partner for killing her wanted fetus? Depriving women of the opportunity to punish violent partners for killing their wanted unborn children is anti-woman.

The RHA dehumanizes viable, healthy humans in utero — who could survive outside the womb — by enacting a broad rather than a narrow health exception to New York's current ban on third-trimester abortions.

The RHA dehumanizes the disabled by explicitly permitting the unimpeded destruction of unborn children incapable of surviving outside the womb during the third trimester of pregnancy.

The RHA dehumanizes yet another class of humans, namely infants born alive during abortions — which does occur, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The RHA fully repeals state Public Health Law 4164, which requires that after the 20th week of pregnancy, a separate doctor be present to provide life-saving treatment to children who survive abortions. The current law also affords them civil rights. Without PHL 4164, it is unclear what protections children who survive abortion would have.

From a pro-life feminist perspective, the RHA warps women's rights to bodily integrity and individual autonomy and undermines basic human rights. For a group of people such as women, who have long endured historic dehumanization, the RHA should be embarrassing.

Michele Sterlace-Accorsi is the executive director of Feminists Choosing Life of New York.